foOds, shOppiNg: clOthEs, bAgs, sliPpErs (what can i dO, im a girl ;p), watching mOvies with pAo or with fRiends, Out Of tOwNs, nYt Outs (beEn tHere, done thAt) minsan nlng dinner dinner nlng, Out Of cOuntry (hOw i wiSh i cOuld do it again!)
gradEschoOl, highsChoOl, and college friends..
anything that soothes my moOd..
a lOt! so don't bother..
etC, etC 2nd avenUe (kulet ng mga program dun! prOmise!)
tUesdays with mOrrie, da viNci cOde, purpOse driVen lifE, and nursing boOks (i hOpe i cAn rEad em all :c kelangan e), magazines..