About Me
Still embracing the outcome of knowing I know I do not know anything at all.
I am on my feet, but the pain of ignorance shadows my experiences into the illumination of knowing that all I knew is not the truth. As night becomes day my weary eyes keep me awake from my blindness. Waking up, I dread it is another day and I wish someone would tie me into covers and sheets so I might stay floating in my inner outer space...the limits of which know no bounds. In dreams to come I may awake to expansive lakes of siloutted silver and gold, remembering days of my youth when I was so bold.Mercury engulfing this vision of illustrious times, days of past glory, hopes for the vastness of nothing material except the search for my own soul. Until blackness is all I seem to hold in my empty hands, the weight of it leaves me restless. Brilliant refractions of a delusioned image once hoped for, now dead, embraced by the eternal sunsihine of nothingness meshing to abstain colors grasping these fallen drops of copulation that have sprouted roots of green on a vast empty canvas.I awakened to find that I was merely dreaming that I was an embrionic model of man, but in reality I was nothing more than a pimple on a gods ass, less than a drop of water on an ocean of wasted love, all that energy brought to naught. Is this torturous screaming resonating for its own pain? I sleep in nothing but energy unsustained. This is the end my friend. The end is my only friend, in the end, but remember me, for I was once one of your best friends too.