visual, tangible and conceptual
intermittently sane goofballs
variable SOMAfm stations (thanks Rusty!), background trax in video games and pavlovian reminders - - - - boy does this mix make for some interesting dream shenanigans
Cremaster 5, Happiness, Six String Samurai, etc
End the Strike - admit TV is dead - acknowledge the brilliance of screenwriters and producers NOW! - Once we've awarded their talent I look forward to ... Heroes, Rome, and the history channel crapshoot; (and fondly recall the likes of Deadwood, Weeds, and the Gilmore Girls)
Audible's unabridged Robert Jordan (DAMNIT - dead men end no tales)
Top Billing goes to MOM of course; then such living visionaries as Michael Hawley, Richard Saul Wurman, and Nicolas Negroponte.