Stephanie profile picture


Do I have feathers? Do I lay eggs? Am I the queen?

About Me

Don't add me to boost your friends and never talk, I will just purge you - But I am nice really :)

I am currently in my final year of A Levels, hoping to go to Uni in September to study English Lit and Drama and then on to some professional training :) I do some am dram and am currently in Valle's "We Will Rock You" - my favourite show playing Scaramouche. I like lots of things but especially banana nesquik and the smell of fairy snow washing powder :)

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My Interests

Scuba diving. Being on holiday. Clubbing, Shopping - Retail therapy. Music! All aspects of Drama, singing, acting, English - Yep the subject... Oh and I saw the Northern Lights in America - OMG better than Niagra Falls!test

I'd like to meet:

Kevin Bacon because - he's brilliant!

Ethan Hawke because - he's hot!

Wonder Woman

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My range is very broad but i'm quite into indie/rock at the moment, I go through phases when I discover a new good artist....


Sleepers - Kevin Bacon - 1 word - WOW

Little Shop of Horors - Lol childhood film

Edward Scissor hands - again a childhood film. I'm amazed that Johnny Depp can still look absolutely gorgeous even dressed like........well THAT

The Long Kiss Goodnight

Taking Lives -Ethan Hawke - Yum

The butterfly Effect


The Green Mile - Mr Jingles - Awwwwwwww


Life begins

No Angels

Lads Army!



Top Gear!


(Not a book section anymore)
*"Your one of the only people that makes me laugh through a machine honestly talented or what"
"Your the business putt"
*"Wow how cool is that chair, it's like an egg, but not"
*"The LAW says your hot!"
*"Is that the radiator?" - "No steph that's my leg" lol
*"No I can't see your friend in hospital, i'm not dressed up enough"
"A lesbian just checked me out" - "How do you know she was a lesbian?" - "O.K then a bisexual" - "But how do you know?.........Oh cos she just checked you out!" derr Ash :)
*"They don't call her monkey Putt 4 nothin"
"And so the whole time my F****** shoes were, there"
"You are as funny as me u know,maybe funnier"
"But you can live in a whales belly because in the Bible that bloke did......" - Doh!
"Singing from the bucket......." - eejit
"It dont take a funny person to make you laugh I tell ya. I could hold a potato in front of you and you would find it funny. That's rascist, just becuase i'm Irish don't mean I love potatos."
"Hey I was going to say the room looks bigger with this paint on, but I figured maybe it's just because we taken out all the furniture...."
"I could be in the shower but I aint"
"What IS the purpose, of a daddy long legs?"
"This is not the time to be smug! Clearly...our sons are, idiots!"
"I'm saving time by leavign otu the nuts and bolts" - "But those are important!"
"Whatever just gimmie a fucking milkshake!"
"I dunno what to say about Jesus, i'm stoned!"
"Yeah cos you're funny buy you're still a prick"
"It's like a flamin kangeroooo"
"Hey look at this, tactical or what. Carefully placed carrots mean I can't get any leverage to cut the meat without having to eat the dam carrots 1st"
"I can't believe how drunk Dane is" - "I can't believe how out of tune his guitar is"
"Don't you wear goggles? FUCK ME" "Chelsea!"
"I swallowed her ball"
"You need a muzzle or sumthin. You need to be restrained girl"
"As long as you didn't go the other way...." "Yeah I fancied your mum!"
"But, you're not even German" - "Really, oh" *BANG* "Does it really matter now?"
"Ah so that's what these traffic lights are for, kissing"
"How many oranges are you making? They like this better, STOP MAKIN ORANGE!"
"I wish we had work that was like thinking about stuff then your hands would be free for like EATING"
"I'm hiding you Lauren" "Well actually i'm hiding you Steph"
"Hey deers have a rutting season"
"Send the two pics you want watermarked and no steff they can't be both of you"
"Which actor starred in finding neverland?" "PETER PAN!"
"And thn the dog fell out of bed. She was like me? How dare me?"


Incase you didn't already guess, KEVIN BACON!

My mum, "She's worked hard and she's got it"

My Blog

A kind of epiphany

I've kind of had an epiphany this evening, discussing peoples reactions to my singing and acting in the past, and the sense of belief people have invested in me when I don't always have it mysel...
Posted by Steph on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:33:00 PST

Thursday November 30th 2006

Well thank you to EVERYONE who has made my birthday this year the BEST one ever! From the kindness and generosity of my mother to the nice bouncers who didn't ID me In Victoria. It started on Monday f...
Posted by Steph on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:49:00 PST

how sad!

omg i have just realised how sad this is....... myspace has jsut offered to edit my top 8 friends list but i only have 5 friends! 1 of which is tom who i've never met and doesn't live in the same bloo...
Posted by Steph on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 08:12:00 PST

Tick, tick...............

BOOM! How good was that, thank u Matty! and Lucy why didn't u warn me he sings so much, u cannot shut that boy up! The constant complaint of......ive fucked my voice now would make u think hes shy! we...
Posted by Steph on Sat, 27 Aug 2005 04:19:00 PST

2 A*s baby

ENGLISH LIT A* ENGLISH LAN A* GO ME! The rest were not so good and I blame myself for most of it cos I didn't get my arse in gear from day 1, however some absolutely shit teaching did account for alot...
Posted by Steph on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 03:21:00 PST


Matt and i are chatting on here through comments and on msn at the same time.....strange people we are
Posted by Steph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

O.K. first one

So 'my space' is a bit pants at the moment but its late and ill sort it out another day. Apparently i have one friend and his name is Tom who i've never met before and doesn't live in the same country...
Posted by Steph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST