Proud Member of the Reality-Based Community
Yes, below is a Joy Division video. Click on it you poseur!
If God hadn't intended for us to eat animals, why'd he make them out of meat?
I also created and run the website Albany Goths .
I play bass in The Flying Buttresses .
I am also an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, Church of Beer, and, more importantly, The Church of the Apathetic Agnostic.
I was embedded with the filthy hippies and spoiled crunchies at St. Lawrence University -- who will not get any money out of me because they are a fetid cesspool of Liberal indoctrination run by neophyte new-world-order-communist troglodytes.
Noam Chomsky is a self-important douchebag who supports the concept of thought-crime though his intentions and deeds.
Here's some of what I'm listening to lately:
I recently moved so I'm selling some books and the like. Below are links to my Amazon page and Ebay page with what I'm selling.