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About Me

My NaMe Is NiCoLe(BeTtEr KnOwN aS nIkI).....I'm OrIgInAlLy FrOm WiNdSor LoCkS aNd GrAnBy,CoNnEcTiCuT bUt NoW I LiVe In ClEaRwAtEr,FlOrIdA. i WeNt To GrAnBy HiGh AnD dUnEdIn HiGh. I hAvE aN aMaZiNg DaUgHtEr AnD a PeRfEcT bOyFrIeNd! I hAvE a StRaNgE oBsEsSiOn WiTh OlD pEoPlE...i JuSt ThInK tHeY'rE eXtReMeLy CuTe...In A hElPlEsS PuPpY dOg KiNdA wAy! I aM a RaViNg BiTcH..sOmEtImEs..WeLl MoSt Of ThE tImE! bUt I cAn Be NiCe If It'S DeSeRvEd..I aM a PrEtTy LaId BaCk KiNdA PeRsOn WhO eNjOyS gOoD fRiEnDs AnD gOoD tImEs!..My FaMoUs SaYiNgS Are: I jUsT ThReW uP a LiTtlE..jUsT a LiTtLe BiT iN mY mOuTh!...WhATs WrOnG wItH mE..wHy Am I sUcH a BiTcH?..tHeReS dEfInItElY sOmEtHiNg WrOnG wItH uS!..aNd..We ArE So GoInG tO hElL!..i LoVe ThE fRiEnDs I hAvE AnD i'M nOt ReAlLy InTeReStEd In GoInG tHrOuGh ThE pRoCeSs Of MaKiNg NeW oNeS...LoL...Me AnD mY BeStEsT fRiEnd DeNa ArE hArD tO gEt AlOnG wItH sO dOn'T bOtHeR.."nOBoDy LiKeS uS wErE tOo MeAn!"..lOl...We LiKe To ThRoW MiScElLaNeOuS vEgIs At PeOpLe We DoN't LiKe!JuSt ReMeMbEr "LiFe'S a BiTcH, bUt KaRmAs A bIgGeR oNe AnD sHiT hApPeNs..To EvErYoNe So StOp CrYiNg!! BeSiDeS,"wE'rE oNlY gOnNa DiE fOr OuR oWn ArRoGaNcE,tHaTs WhY wE mIgHt As WeLl TaKe OuR tImE!"~sUbLiMe(My FiRsT lOvE**My AIM screenname is Nicolen1130..IM me..!**


My Interests


My Blog

moments in life.

MOMENTS IN LIFE There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.   When the door happens to close, another one opens...
Posted by NiKi on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:45:00 PST

beauty careful of wax

This is hilarious..teaches us a lesson about waxing... >All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy,painless removal - The Epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax...
Posted by NiKi on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

The Letter ( I Love This)

A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that hisbed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw anenvelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to...
Posted by NiKi on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:07:00 PST