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About Me

Fed up with the rat race and interested in anything that questions the mundane existance we've been forced to beleive. There's some fantastic footage and documentaries only available on the net that should be checked out. Life as we know it due for change as infinately free energy becomes common knowledge and freely available to all. This will cause economics and government power and new world order to slowly fall apart. We will all stop being slaves to power hungry dominant, governing people. All wars over power, money and oil will cease and third worlds will have their chance to break free from the slavery of the higher economic / powerful countries. Without our lives being ruled and dominated by work and money we will all find ourselves being less cut throat and peacefull with more time to relax which in turn should give us the time to explore our spirituality and become greater spiritual beings like some of our distant cosmic neighbours.All media is tightly controlled by government bodies and is purely financially motivated. The internet is a powerful tool in providing inpartial information that is not censored by media control.There is a wealth of information out there - GO AND FIND IT!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fred Dibnah (if he where still alive)------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Ì'm keen to develop and learn the side of life that is little understood by human beings in general. I take an active study in anything spiritual and wish to devlop my spituality. Most of my studies suggest that meditation is the best spiritual excercise. I am a beginner but i am already feeling the benefits and from what i understand, like most things, you improve with experience and practice. I beleive there is a whole new world just waiting to be explored. My studies started with a fascination in the supernatural world and a deep rooted knowledge that there is more to life than meets the eye. It may seem strange to most to desire this knowledge and actively involve myself in acquisition as it seems that my time would be better spent on work, money or recreation. One thing i've learnt through this study is that its the world we live in thats very, very strange! We are all slaves to the system and revolve our lives around a meaningless scrap of paper- money. We only know what we see, what we are taught and what we are told. We live in an unrealistic bubble dictated by the rulers of our world. Thanks to the internet this is starting to change as we have access to a wealth of knowledge that is almost impossible to control. It is through this media that we can learn about the real world and hopefully realise how ridicolously manipulated we are. There have been hundreds if not thousands of free energy devices invented ranging from Tesla to the water fueled car.All attempts at making any one of these inventions public have failed. If the govenments lose their grip controling our energy, they will lose their grip controling us. I have no intention of becoming a renegade and seeking to change the world out of anger and frustration.I feel that will slowly happen as we all develop and learn the true meaning of life. Besides, it would be a pretty dismal existance if we didin't play the game. In order to live a meaningful happy lifestyle in these times does take a certain amount of money. Though my recently acquired knowlege has made me see everything from a different perspective, a better perspective. Life carries a different meaning now. I beleive we all need to change our consiousness and focus it on things in life that really matter and shy our concentration away from money and power. I beleive this will be acheived through knowledge and it's already available, you just gotta find it! Some interesting searches either you tube or web pages! Free Energy - Water fueled Cars - Conspiracy Theories - 9/11 - New World Order - UFO's/ET's - Billy Meier - The pleaides - Spirituality and Power of Meditation - pyramid energy - ancient technology/civilisations - the egyptions/the giza powerplant - white powder gold Particularly I found a few lectures by Randolph Winters about Billy Meier that were very inspiring. Check out myspacedalibor777 Most areas covered by this mans web page, well worth checking.


http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hOqE4vCrI0w&feature=relate d


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