Toast profile picture


ToAsT rULeZ...

About Me

haPPy gO LucKY... one wHO Laugh alot... :D

My Interests

hmmm.. taLk taLk and taLk.. i really like to taLk alot.. no doubt about that eh.. no particular inteREst.. juz enjoys doing anything that can be entertaining...

I'd like to meet:

erM.. anyOne wHO shaRe the saMe intEReSt as me.. aiYah.. anYone also can lar... friEnds aFterALL.. wahha


sEntiMentAL musIC!!


hmmm... the Last moVie i watch was 'Turn Left Turn Right'.. not tOO baD...


erM.. othEr than my notes.. i harDLy read...

My Blog

hAppY beLated bIrthDay...

hAiz.. finaLLY... my 17tH birthday are over... hmm.. i do really enjoy myself heaps on that day.. the hoLy day.. wahha... i've been telling my senior tat.. people born on 17th OCt are the premieur pee...
Posted by Toast on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST