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My Interests

yea!.wot.. * feilds and trees & .mud......Strategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy a nightmare

I'd like to meet:



recording-production .. composition . Nina Simone /MilesDavis/SquarePusher!Swords


[trash][this][room]On hearing that Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein would try to cut Princess Mononoke to make it more marketable, one of Studio Ghibli's producers sent an authentic katana with a simple message: "No cuts".


"Current events is hell, dwell in the pit of the flames Walkin the path to maintain But current events is hell, can you defend to the end Are you prepared? Tell me you're scared"

Books: In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.. Measurement owes its existence to Earth; Estimation of quantity to Measurement; Calculation to Estimation of quantity; Balancing of chances to Calculation; and Victory to Balancing of chances.. A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound's weight placed in the scale against a single grain .. .----------------------------------------------------------


"Shidoobeedoo, beda, bedaii Shidoobeedoo, da, down da downI don’t know no heroes They can tell the story I don’t know no heroes They can get the glory"The sounds of now