shawne the grrl profile picture

shawne the grrl

The Loving Sounds of Static

About Me

Contantly evolving, doing jumping jacks on my resentments, love trying new things, listening to new music, making new friends, and keeping in touch with the old ones. I am a big nerd. I am passionate, and get excited about a lot of things. I make a mean PB 'n J with a cup o' Tea. In love with potential. I can get a little overwhelmed sometimes, but overall think I do a pretty good job.


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Musical Integration for just about anything.
Technology.( Especially the good kind that have symbols of fruit as their logo.)
Whatever it takes for genuine
(it's anti-climactic to seek it through artificial means).
Scowling and poking fun, but relaxing at just the right push of the button.
((End transmission))

I'd like to meet:

People who are optimistic, goofy, and moving up in life rather than getting themselves stuck. If you spend too much time thinking for yourself than listening, are more interested in money than art, or can't break away from it all once in a while--- i dont think we can be friends.


All the best sorts still ring in your ears long after the song has finished.

(disclaimer: any critical judgements of character
based on this list will lead to full mockery by Shawne The Girl)

. A dash of this with a pinch of that (recent playlist as of late...):
Beatles, Stereolab, DFA1979, Cat Power, My Majestic Star, Silversun Pickups, Fischerspooner, Deerhoof, Elefant, Raconteurs, Scissor Sisters, Fiery Furnaces, Freaking Cyndi Lauper, The Fixx, Elliott Smith, Arcade Fire, Sufjan Stevens, The Dials Midnight Movies, New Pornographers, Broken Social Scene, The Album Leaf, Yeah Yeah fuckin' Yeahs!, Smashing Pumpkins, Mates of State, Raveonettes, Suffrajett, Nada Surf, Spoon, books, Muse, Wilco, Badly Drawn Boy, Bjork, Blonde Redhead, Mr David Bowie, Dresden Dolls, White Stripes, Gomez, Iggy Pop, Jon Brion, Johnny Cash, LCD Soundsystem, Miles Davis, Office, Pizzicato Five, Johanna Kunin, The Sea and Cake, Stars, Sonic Youth, Mazzy Star, Trentemoller, Uncle Tupelo, Zero 7, NIN, Explosions in the Sky,

My kid brother's band: Thick As Thieves: (
My music:
ps: this list used to be much longer many moons ago... I noticed people stop reading it halfway down the list.


"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind","After Life", "Me And You And Everyone We Know", "My neighbor Totoro", "TARNATION", "Edward Scissorhands", "The Great Yokai Wars", "Lord of the Rings", "Paper Moon","Lost In Translation","Frida", any Jarmusch, Scorcese,Woody Allen directed, or Phillip Glass/Elliot Goldenthal/Yann Tierson scored.


Not a fan of the tube... but hopelessly addicted to Deadwood, Lost, and 30 Rock........ and (shudder) Gray's Anatomy.


Sylvia Plath, Bukowski, Tony Kushner, or E.E. Cumming,Anne Bogart, Einsteins Dreams, Mr. Sedaris (is-a-genius), Murakami Haruki, Soseki


Heroes include:
My grandmother and my Mother, Karen O, Miranda July, Ms. Ani D, Bjork, Nan Goldin, and pretty much ALL strong women.