soccer, fashion, shopping, food(PLZ NOT ADOBO) txtin, my hair, broadway chuvanes and alot more
id like to meet celebritys and i would like to meet you.... :):):):)
][trance][rnb][senti (sometimes][oldies but goodies songs heheü][broadway songs][songs of paul van dyk][evanescence][lea salonga (damn shes good)][michelle branch][moony][milky][tamia][maroon 5][ and alot more][
][movies of lindsay lohan and olsen twins][ 40 days and 40 nights][hellboy][van helsing][daredevil][ underworld][ XXX,][bend it like beckham][hercules (the soundtrack is really nice)][hollywood homicide][daredevil][resident evil][scream][and alot more...
][WWE,][charmed][lizzie][buffy][myx][punked][knock first,][tough enough][american idol][S.O.P][mtv fashionista][sabrina][angel][queer eye][malcolm in the middle][saturday night live][whengirls behave badly][animalplanet ][cookin shows][24][and alot more][
][number the stars][drama queen][shopaholic][little women][ purpose driven life][books of c.s. luwis][books of christopher pike][the da vinci code][j.r. high][and alot more][