The Ottawa Main Street Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a positive image of downtown while preserving its unique historic character; strengthening our downtown retail and economic tax base; and emphasizing the downtown as the center of community activity through a focused program of organization, design, promotion, and business enhancement.
Main Street is a nationally known program designed to restore downtown areas as viable marketplaces and the center of community activity. Ottawa Main Street was established July of 2001, and is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization. Our thriving downtown is a great source of pride for the people of Ottawa, and a powerful asset when recruiting new businesses, jobs, and residents to our beautiful city. We all have a stake in the future of downtown. A thriving downtown is more than a retail and service center. Downtown offers a sense of place and community. It is where people shop, meet friends, and eat a great meal. Also serves as a gathering place for parades, celebrations, and events that bring people in the community together.
For operational support, the Ottawa Main Street Association is dependant on Membership dues, private contributions, and support from the City of Ottawa.You can help by joining or rejoining the Ottawa Main Street Association.