playing with my little girls Kianna and Kylee. love watching movies more than I should...i think I watch just so I can learn new quotes,
C.S. Lewis....Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Paul of Tarsus, and all who stood up to adversity regardless of the cost.
The music I like best are the songs that make you pause for a things, give you the desire to change for the positive, and promote "social responsibility", which our times really need right now. The bands I currently like are Jack Johnson, Sanctus Real,All-American Rejects,Relient K, Skillet, and Mariah Carey...(just kidding about that one).
If it has one of the 4 GREAT ONES(ADAM SANDLER, WILL FERREL, BEN STILLER, or VINCE VAUGHN) its my favorite. Any movie that has 2 or more of them is a masterpiece. i.e. Starsky and Hutch, Dodgeball, and Anchor Man. Honorable mention: Napoleon Dynamite, the Rundown, Nacho Libre,Lord of the Rings,Vegas Vacation,Stand by Me, Count of Monte Cristo, and who can forget the Goonies.
Saved by the Bell...I still havent moved on. I dont have time to watch alot of TV, but on Mondays I watch the best show currently on Tv "Heroes" and also have started watching 24(very addicting).
The Chronicals of Narnia...I have read them all. You cant just read the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. There are seven and you must read them all. Cant leave out the Bible. Also, a good book..The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
A man once gave up everything he had to enjoy a life of ridicule, betrayal and death, just so we could have a hope for a good life, and a good after life. He is my hero. Also, my wife, she puts up with me daily and she even makes it seem that she really does like me. She has alot of patience I guess. She is great and I love her to pieces.