Katie Lynn Coleman [NEW SONG!] profile picture

Katie Lynn Coleman [NEW SONG!]

tell me your opinions, I would love to hear em!3

About Me

You are loved and will be missed
This is Katie’s Sister, some of you I know some of you I don’t. Our family welcomes anyone who has EVER been touched in any way by Katie, and of course those that have touched her in a positive way to stop by the house to say hi whenever or conact us through her page. This is a hard time for all of us and it is better if we stick together as somewhat of an extended family. Whether you believe in prayer or not please speak to katie and tell her your inner most feelings. She needs to know that she was loved and she touched MANY people with her Beautiful voice, and spirit. Do not question why because this is something we will never be able to answer. Have faith that God will take care of those who hurt Katie. Our family grieves for what you have done. I believe Katie is happier and finally at peace. She is no longer on this earth but a little part of her lives on in all of the ones she loves..and you guys know who you are. We will leave Katies music up because we have realized that it brings comfort and we know that even though Katie is not present her music will live on and continue to touch people all around the world!
P.S. Please do not ask us what happen or how it happened because this is still a very sensitive subject to discuss
Katie’s wish left behind:
The one thing my sister wanted was for everyone to love everyone. Unconditional love is hard to find in this world today, but Katie was a perfect example of this. She saw through the flaws that everyone has and loved them regardless. She, more then anyone I knew, embraced peoples differences; I just wish people did the same for her. I know high school is a hard thing for alot of people to go through, believe me I have been there. There are a lot of things you can fall victim to, ALOT of hateful comments being thrown back and forth, and on top of all this you are trying to figure out who you are and what purpose you serve in this world. Just remember that life is ALOT easier with love! Focus on the people who you love and who love you back, because in the end that is all that matters. And NEVER think there are not people who love you, because everyone is loved by someone. I don’t think Katie had ANY idea how many people loved her and how many people she touched in her 14 years on this earth but it was MANY!! Remember to be kind to one another, understand that words hurt, and one of the most important things that many people do not realize is that EVERY SINGLE ONE of us has been through or is going through painful circumstances/situations that you might not know about, many people who knew Katie would have never believed that she was battling depression but the truth is she was, so don’t be the person who adds fire to the flame, be the person who is a helping hand, a support system, a true friend, someone who gives compliments, be a person who makes life easier not harder.
Love, Chrissy and Ms. Cindy
Hi, my name is Katie Lynn Coleman
I’m 14 years old
nice to meet you
I’m a singer looking to touch the entire world with my voice
I work very hard everyday to just come closer to my dream
I have recorded in NYC with Mike G and in VA beach with T-Green
I’ve been accepted to American Idol camp
I was chosen out of millions of applicants, they only chose 700
I was accepted into talent rock competition
I am young but I do believe that I can handle anything that anyone can throw in my way to get my music heard.
I am very driven and compassionate about this
Once I see something I want, there is no stopping me, I work as hard as I possibly can to get it
im focused on this, and I really think I can achieve my dreams and become a role model for people.
I have support from my mother and if it wasn’t for her i dont know what I would do.
another person who helps me out is Mr. R, without him I really wouldn’t be making records or having the ablity to go to all these places
and I love my fans more than anything :]
I can finally respond to peoples messages so keep sending them, LOVE YOU GUYS
http://www.mojomusicstudio.com/show/hearthestudio.asp "GO TO THE RHYTHM OF LIFE" and download, wait for the download - take 5 minutes and in the one hour show Katie Lynn comes on at 53:30 minutes into the show, just click and drag the timer. ENJOYSUPPORT ME AND PUT THIS BANNER ON YOUR PAGE MESSAGE ME FOR THE CODE TO IT :D
To contact me you can email [email protected] :]

My Interests


Member Since: 4/2/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/katiecolemansmusic
Band Members: I'm solo :]
Influences: my heart is my influence, I sing how I feel.
Sounds Like: hopefully good you tell me haha
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Posted by Katie Lynn Coleman [NEW SONG!] on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:21:00 PST

Katie’s Wish

The one thing my sister wanted was for everyone to love everyone. Unconditional love is hard to find in this world today, but Katie was a perfect example of this. She saw through the flaws that everyo...
Posted by Katie Lynn Coleman [NEW SONG!] on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:23:00 PST

You are loved and will be missed

This is Katie’s Sister, some of you I know some of you I don’t. If you have not yet heard Katie passed away Saturday night. Her funeral will be held at the Christian Life center across fro...
Posted by Katie Lynn Coleman [NEW SONG!] on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:41:00 PST