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Absent Thoughts LP
Ragged Thoughts LP
Prison of The Mind EP
Rhenium News:
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Rhenium, a rock band, reaches new heights and new fans with the release of their album, Absent Thoughts. With a demo, EP, and two full-length self-released albums under their belts, the men of Rhenium are reaching people all over the world. Using their tenacity and passion together since 2002, many people were quick to assume the best from Rhenium. Comprised of Charlie Ray; guitar, Chris Ray; bass, Eddie Pierce; singer, and the recently acquired Paris Ramirez; drums, the band's musical interest and ideas were transformed into 22 original songs in the summer of 2003. As always, the band knows fans are the essential element. Moshing, cheering, dancing, and singing along is an all too common sight for Rhenium. The onstage chemistry is fantastic, and is felt by old and new fans alike.
-Written by Anastasia Hoff
Repeated Bull's-Eye
-Rhenium, a modern rock band reaches new heights and new fans with the release of their second album, Absent Thoughts.The sophomore curse means nothing to the band Rhenium as their new fifteen-track album, Absent Thoughts, reaches the hands of fans of all ages and all backgrounds all over the world. No matter your musical tastes, there is a song that will wet your appetite. With the well-known songs Lost, and Cry from Ragged Thoughts as well as the 13 brand-new songs, it is no guess why fans alike agree this is their best album to date.
-Written by Anastasia Hoff