About Me
theres nothing to know aboout david castañon
that my full name nothing more im full blooded mexican
probably spaniard though, look at my last name!
i cann tell you were my family is from but
hmm am megadave BUT you can call me that TOO
im the strangest?.. person you know
or youre gonna get to know
beware of psychic pimp who knows all
about anything and everything
and happens to be a magician
and a magic musician and is hooked on heroin and to catch the dragon he must keep shooting up
i think i have alot to live for...
sometimes .like going to venice to buy tons of coke
no but really ive been lied to, and ive lied but this is the truth, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH
UM AGAIN i only have ofiicial becuase im sure that is alot of immitators but im the only real dave but BACK to my biblical story ????BY THE WAY I HAVE GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND
well i fucking sleep in the living room on a lame yet exiciting FUCKING couch oh and im ghettho yeah sperson ...i can spell well but i just fuck up during all this typing and shit so dont think i cant spell dumbfucks.. oh yeah i call everyone a bitch so dont take it offensively unless you want to bitch...unless it the girl who helped me with the video shes fine
i loved vandalism but i had to retire and now im left with not choice . MY GUITAR . but i play guitar too and it hurts my fingers i have to stop cracking them .. and chewing them
i like nipples
girl niples that is
hot ones
i like wacthing sci fi crap like tha twilight zone
nand thouter limits and porn ..i also make it for the right price and the right chick..haffe you guys seen that paris hilton one .its shitty
i live for stupid alien crap like that .i actually an alien song i ve made
i take showers in the morning OR Before i leave...I drink beer once its in my reach,
i lkie crunchy ice in the soda or no ice at all ... . i throws shit atr people so if you ever get hit it was probably me , seriously! i eat plenty of junk food and chinese foodand carls jr, and black angus because its all can afford...oh i can burp repeatly after a drink alot of milk i dont know why, cold milk is good for just about everything,
i used to have this thing called a metronome but i let my fat friend borrow and i learned a valuable lesson
never let your fat friedn borrow stuff you like
or that he can eat hes a mariachi
i used play mariachi..but not anymore,,,i canm slow guitar too buit i think that people think i only play fast
.this chick told me i look like jim morrison after that i heard LA woman four times on the radio in one night,
i ve been told i look like him.i wish i could write trippy lyrics about acid in the desert and random sluts from LA
i have this thing called the gripmaster!!! or the gripmasturbater as i like to call it.. it is like my secret weapon for fingering...girls and fretboards
I PLAY AND SING FOR TYRANT if you havent noticed.. cursing, swearing, and telling people to fuck off and go to hell,
i hate alot of things and i like scary movies by the way WITH ALIEN RAPIST WHO ARE ON SHROOMS
.what the fuck!?
fuck.....WHAT THE FUCK!are you still readingthis?
go smoke a bag of meth .what else ..?i only use one guitar live that blue jackson i bought for a 100 bucks because im
a fucking hustler,i have a three acoustic which i never intended in having.one of them i stole money from a friend to buy it it was thirty bucks.i was gonna get a blue acoustic but by mistakwe they gave a better black one.........this other acoustic used to be my drummer's girlfriends grandpas guitar imported from michoacan,and i was helping her move and i found it and i got to kepp .that acoustic is a nyylon ,,and this other guitar i straight out took it from school,,everyone always thought i was mine because i was always playing it but the truth i always thought "fuck if the dumbfuck who onws this guitar sees me im fucked" but i just eneded up taking it ..and for some weird reason all those guitar are stringless and they are in my garage i dont even play them,,,,oh shitoh yeah have you guys seen the george lopez tv show ...i would bone his daughter.i think shes pretty fine..who else?..idont know
I THINK IM GONNA GIVE AWAY ONE OF MY GUITARs...to this one personbut that not important..i talk alot
too much im too descriptive i think i woiuld be good at putting kids to sleep or to death which ever if fine....
i write lyrics .
i play guitar
i dont have a nintendo
or any gam,e system i dont really want one because i would get addicted .im good at METAL SLUG did i al;ready say that??
i would like to get guitar lessoionss but i woluld not likw to pay fo rthat
I would also like to give lesoooons
yeah lesooons
ive gaven some to this one girl she doesnt care though
i like to give lessons to someone who would pay me
not alot just enough for some good amplification in the near future
i recntly wrote this song called road rage
it about running people over witha fast car
igo to the hospital soome times i hate waiting a copule of hours sometimes other times it just a walk in if i feel like randomly going wel;l its not ranmdom if i have to go!
my dad too
i take him most of the time
my family has problems
big problems
my mom went to mexico i dont know if shes back yet
wait shes not!
i cleaned my ouse
i dont live in a house
it took forever
i dont like washing dishes i hate that shit anyone who knows me would know i dont lkie to wash disehs
it gets my fingers wet
there is only one thing i like that gets my fingers wet and tired.......................................................
.......................playing guitar you fucking sick bastards WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK RUBBING VAGINA?because i like to do that tooim gonna get endorsed by jackson guitars one
ill be getting guitar for free
i might just give you one
i like being generous and helpfulto my friends
and collegues
i wish i could pick fasteri lost lost my train of thoughts
wehre am I?
im somewhere where i dont know where i am
okay ...okay... ill walk in the mudAHAHA i dont own a computer or a t.v
i own a t.v im just fucking around
i like to write essays and argue or prove something wrong ! ahahaaa
eses are funny
have you seen blood in blood out
aint that weird
it should betoday i was reading this fucking book !!!!!!!
wait wait
it wasnt a reading book it was a picture book
possbly one that best one ever DRAWN
it was where's waldo
ahaha that book is funny tooplease send money orders or check to
4860 canoga st. apt.l montclair ca
91763THE beatles are fags and they should get stabbed in the face with ice pick
do you see the simpsons?
sideshow bob is a cool character
he can sing
and he can kill
wait no he cant he could kill bart simpson or that dumb bitch patty ?or salma?
fucking death metal
where was i again?
im fucking hungry i like waffles with peanut butter and jelly
ive seen alot of car crashes
i go to the hospital alot
if not for me for someone else..its strange
i how the night looks when theres full moon it looks like morning
it puts me in the mood to bone
...i recently discovered something that allows me to play better guitar
.........my new secret weapon
...its those vagina hands of mine........they are always touching vagina
..................i like listening to music most kiind.....i love having sex..i dont fuck with drugs
they fuck with me...butother than that i like to play guitar in the weekends and entertain people at shows with music and madness
theres this girl who wiont stop slatking me
its not that i dont want her to stop
its just shes weird but but its a nioce weird like shes my slave
dont tell her i said that shell get cranky
have you seen that movie crank
spaceballs ...now thats a funny movie
um i also like....that video witht the naked girl in it
i hate community service
its a big waste of time
i d rather take a shit at my frineds house and stink up his bathroom and raid his fridge and drink all his sodai dont like greedy people.i know this dumbass named george .hes a greedy bastaerd.george like fat bithches ramed rick and junior.junior got his ass kicked by fernando.dave beat up his chola brtother in law,his sister's sancho,
back to rick: what is wrong with him?hes just alittle bit slow. he once got run over by his mom,Laura ascencio, she broke his legs.. and she got him arrested and fined,laura shes gice good head to his friends named anthony after she make s out witth this guy named junior.and nate. nate's mom like ronnie. ronnie...likes nate mom's ...shes beyond his league.
anthnoy he was a stoner ig uess..i guess ,.......j ,ronnie from nowhere, says nothing, hes a smal fry, shut the fuck up,,...he gets skipped..
aw fukc i just psilled some water this key board....ahh you thoguht i did
you cunt so where was i?
there was this bartholomew bart guy he s like a fat cow
I WAS PLAYING FOOTBALL in i hurt my right ring finger i thought that fucked it up just like i fucked uup my left thumb
i fucked up my left thumb wrestling sorta my friend's knee landed on it and it was stuckk ina weird awkward position that shit hurt it still hurt to this day but i think it now has a permanenet lump
i think if i take it to the asian (how do you spell this) masuuse ..shes fix my thumb and and finger...
i dont love her madly
and i just wwashed my hair i always use conditioner but people like to say that i dont
i used to have very thick hair but i got a trim
once i got stuck in an elevator and it sucked but i had food so i had fun because i also had my gameboy that had tetris ( ill kick your ass at that game) AND I THE TIME WENT BY FAST but was boring..okay okay tha never happened but i did visit a dog pound and man how they stink like smelling sweaty dog balls..i sqaw big dogs , i saw small dogs, i saw happy dogs , i saw dead dogs, i saw skkiny dogs and i saw fat dogs but what remeber the most is this fat fat big lazy putrid pig they had in the farm section of the place. it was hystarical
i lik e surprises..the good ones..i usually can smell the bad ones coming from 2 miles away
i like animals..the cool ones not the lame ones..i know this girl who is in love with bunnies and penguins ...but dont tell my girlfriend..she'll kick her ass.my girlfrined is on probation for hitting this girlwith a bat for reasons unmentionable on myspace . unless..if i tell you shesll have to kill you
i have this weird fascination with ...?..i cant think of anything ..i hate it when fake girls hit on me..you know the fake ones who send you messages telling you , you have a huge dick..i know i do , but you dont have to send me a meesgae
telluing me that
alsoi need to go visit my family.
i dont like spam or junk mail in my mailbow at home
i get homew chekc the mail and find all theese fucking offers for free porn ..i dont even do that stuff..i do have the potential to make porno,star in porno, shoot a porno, but not...BUT NOT BUY IT
ill steal it , but that a different story.
dont steal.
there was this one time i was MAKING love at night in a room on a bed with a fine piece of ass and i was boning the all of a sudden...it got bright in the room....reall bright and it was at night ..really dark...and fresh,int he summer,,well the reason why it got bright was because of a ufo ..no really it was a full moon ...i sorta freaked me out..but then i realized i was being watched.WATCHED!. ...THEN i woke up...no that really happened it really did! ive also seen alot of shooting stars..and no for the last fucking time they didnt shoot me..dumbfucks.people always ask me if they shot me.i know im ghetto but stars will not shoot me..iin my street theres alot of car crashes..plenty..more when i first moved there but there still alot
where will you live after a house fire?
i once threeew a bomb inside of a girls house...just really big firework bomb...she deserved it though..i also threw a whole mess of ice
dry ice bombs that is behind her house and her dog got pertrified
im kidding about blowing up her house
i killed her cat though
i m good at presentations like infornt of class....
i lost my gripmaster...
i wanna go to hawwaii
opn e day
and ..have you seen colladeral
is that how you spell it?
ill right ill stop..
i need chapstick
so anyone who wants to buy me by it for me..if you ever catch a pick a one of my shows give it back
i never have picks
only to throw
out at the crowdwhenever i have a pick
i swear i have it for the longest fucking time...i chew em and i dont
i repeat dont eat them there is a boig difference between eating and chewing
iahet the people who cant tell the differecrece .. are you fucking blind
...have you seen clockwoork orange..its preetty trippy..i saw it alot alot of time .ubt reforeafls i fid
i did
that remind s me of me and my droogs
................high.................and i heard the beatles high too...fucking pussieswhat the hell im i trying to do here....im only here to give anwsers to difereent people..differerent anwsers ..im only a door to the questions you seek...you must look within yourself and discover i am the solution ...to what you may ask your self?
thats only up to you to decide....what are you deciding?
absolutely nothing..
i analyse tihngs well sometimes....sometimes either good or no so good....i lkke playing practical jokes on people...............that is not the point
i wish i could play the sax or the organ or the accrodian..or .......psssttttt
ummm the harmonica also the harp...whats the that shit called!?
i hate the tuba!
but i wish i could play the things you hit like a piano! but it a percussion instrument that is melodical
theyre used in marching band
and jazz
and insane music
blues are fucking sick
thats really sad emotion
ride on little wing
ride on
oh man everytime im stoned i always see on the cloc k
digital clock...11:34
i see alot when im not
i could be a doctor just dont like themonly girls can grab my hair...because guys touching guys hair is fucking gay...so dotn come near my hair unless youre a girly girl who has mocassins, has a dreamcatcherin her room... and aaaa broken mirror that i broke once i gave it away you know hwho you are babyALARMA TV es un show de televisión con formato de revista, con un contenido entretenido que trata de darle un toque caracterÃstico y propio a sus historias.El otro lado de la noticia para que nadie se lo cuente. ALARMA TV es a veces irónico, siempre entretenido con historias que le pueden sorprender.Nuestras bellas y jóvenes presentadoras son muy talentosas y dispuestas a ir mas allá en el contenido de nuestras historias… para que nadie se lo cuente…www.alarmatv.comaw fukc i just psilled some water this key board....ahh you thoguht i did
you cunt so where was i?
there was this bartholomew bart guy he s like a fat cow
I WAS PLAYING FOOTBALL in i hurt my right ring finger i thought that fucked it up just like i fucked uup my left thumb
i fucked up my left thumb wrestling sorta my friend's knee landed on it and it was stuckk ina weird awkward position that shit hurt it still hurt to this day but i think it now has a permanenet lump
i think if i take it to the asian (how do you spell this) masuuse ..shes fix my thumb and and finger...
i dont love her madly
and i just wwashed my hair i always use conditioner but people like to say that i dont like today
i used to have very thick hair but i got a trim
once i got stuck in an elevator and it sucked but i had food so i had fun because i also had my gameboy that had tetris ( ill kick your ass at that game) AND I THE TIME WENT BY FAST but was boring..okay okay tha never happened but i did visit a dog pound and man how they stink like smelling sweaty dog balls..i sqaw big dogs , i saw small dogs, i saw happy dogs , i saw dead dogs, i saw skkiny dogs and i saw fat dogs but what remeber the most is this fat fat big lazy putrid pig they had in the farm section of the place. it was hystarical
i lik e surprises..the good ones..i usually can smell the bad ones coming from 2 miles away
i like animals..the cool ones not the lame ones..i know this girl who is in love with bunnies and penguins ...but dont tell my girlfriend..she'll kick her ass.my girlfrined is on probation for hitting this girlwith a bat for reasons unmentionable on myspace .
i have this weird fascination with ...?..i cant think of anything ..i hate it when fake girls hit on me..you know the fake ones who send you messages telling you , you have a huge dick..i know i do , but you dont have to send me a meesgae
telluing me that
alsoi need to go visit my family.
i dont like spam or junk mail in my mailbow at home
i get homew chekc the mail and find all theese fucking offers for free porn ..i dont even do that stuff..i do have the potential to make porno,star in porno, shoot a porno, but not...BUT NOT BUY IT
ill steal it , but that a different story.
dont steal.
there was this one time i was MAKING love at night in a room on a bed with a fine piece of ass and i was boning the all of a sudden...it got bright in the room....reall bright and it was at night ..really dark...and fresh,int he summer,,well the reason why it got bright was because of a ufo ..no really it was a full moon ...i sorta freaked me out..but then i realized i was being watched.WATCHED!. ...THEN i woke up...no that really happened it really did! ive also seen alot of shooting stars..and no for the last fucking time they didnt shoot me..dumbfucks.people always ask me if they shot me.i know im ghetto but stars will not shoot me..iin my street theres alot of car crashes..plenty..more when i first moved there but there still alot
where will you live after a house fire?
i once threeew a bomb inside of a girls house...just really big firework bomb...she deserved it though..i also threw a whole mess of ice
dry ice bombs that is behind her house and her dog got pertrified
im kidding about blowing up her house
i killed her cat though
i m good at presentations like infornt of class....
i lost my gripmaster...
i wanna go to hawwaii
opn e day
and ..have you seen colladeral
is that how you spell it?
ill right ill stop..
i need chapstick
so anyone who wants to buy me by it for me..if you ever catch a pick a one of my shows give it back
i never have picks
only to throw
out at the crowdblue oyster cult....
go hear them nowdo you wan t to diewhenever i have a pick
i swear i have it for the longest fucking time...i chew em and i dont
i repeat dont eat them there is a boig difference between eating and chewing
iahet the people who cant tell the differecrece .. are you fucking blind
...have you seen clockwoork orange..its preetty trippy..i saw it alot alot of time .ubt reforeafls i fid
i did
................high.................and i heard the beatles high too...fucking pussieswhat the hell im i trying to do here....im only here to give anwsers to difereent people..differerent anwsers ..im only a door to the questions you seek...you must look within yourself and discover i am the solution ...to what you may ask your self?
thats only up to you to decide....what are you deciding?
absolutely nothing..
i analyse tihngs well sometimes....sometimes either good or no so good....i lkke playing practical jokes on people...............that is not the point
i wish i could play the sax or the organ or the accrodian..or .......psssttttt
only girls can grab my hair...because guys touching guys hair is fucking gay...so dotn come near my hair unless youre a girly girl who has mocassins, has a dreamcatcherin her room... and aaaa broken mirror that i broke once i gave it away
i got a frined..friend..who ripped this guy off for his
guitar..stupid fucking lame fuck who sold him the guitar was desperate for money..so he sold him a sick white randy rhodes....this foo is down
doesnt do shit but play a band and wake up at 3 pm...
and his mom is a PHYSIC WITCH... but shes very nice
extremely ni ce toeveryopne ...AND HE HAS THIS HUGE FUCKING DOG named. SLAYER....his mom calls his "eslayerr"
and his room is mess but i always show up at random times to record at his house some badass licks i just happened to have at that exact moment..and he like srv
and he uses JAZZ III ..best picks ever
his dad is from michoacan
his dad is a badass musician..he knows ever single spanish songs there is to know...from corridos, to cumbias, from rancheras, to huapangos....alright alright not huapangos
but balladas...but those are still fucking hard
i think its fucking funny how my parents and everyone elses parents...think taht metal for pinche locos
charvels are expensive
so expensive i dont even wanna play it
its for decoration to hang up on your wall and play when your friend come over and your stoned and then one of your friend breaks the neck and its a one piece (neck through).i just got informed its all been called neck through.my whole life i ve called it a one piece.one piece just sounds catchieri guess neck throuhg sounds cool...
remember street sharks
i used wake up and watch that shit in the morning be fo re sc hool . al so dou ble dra gon . bea vis and butt - head
i never like power rangers... okay i guess i id but i remerber when thry fucking killed it fucking dead. in space.ninjas.turbo.they started changing when the movie came out .i jus got informed my frineds dog (ESLAYERR) ran out this house because of me ..i left the door open
he hungover
we killed alot of alcohola dn made burgers with sandwich bread
that dumb bitch only ate the patty and i got burned with grease on my picking handing
today in south centrali was approach by this fucking bum and he fucking put gas in my car...fo free.
everytime i get drunk as fuck
i throw tires in to the streets and car crash fucking bad
last time i threw matresss on the street and the y crashed ...i rani hat ethe duedes from 7 11
i think becasue in iraq theyre total fuckig war going they think me...a fucking pimp criminal who plays guitar is gonna steal from a fucking 71111
i got better things to do
like driving 200 lbs of weed to new york..smoking it .drinking budweiser. shroom out .play asick ass show and get paid about...100 dollars per song...that doeasnt sound reasonable ...but it will do. get drink a double gulp...............double .....drovble gulp on the way home....fuck imi s ing some thing
news years is a pretty cool
last new years eve i had a great time.....not the night before new years eve...i had a bad trip ..i thought i saw a reaper and i was driving and i crashed ...and i was next to beautiful girl and i was waken up DEAD
but i was waken up by a lady who seems very mean ,very mean , but in reality shes likes me at nine am
then i did something..did something again ..took a shower...naked...i don know if did it again...probably...then i went to the party to find my brother in law drunk already.... he kept drinkig and getting everyone beer
and bowled in side the house...
everyone was dancing
m friedns dad
the sick one was singing al t hose songs
theres this annoying fucking green light outisde that buzzzes loud
after i kicked everyones ass at 21
took everyones money
the thoguht i was cheatin'
i gave money to my baby money for some formula
they toghut i was cheating
so they kept theyre eyes me likes 007 trying to escape the facility
007 is fucking downest fucking game ever/...oh yeah contra too and .................double dragon
and vice city...
but were was i ...the moey..
moey money..
same shit
you know i fucking mean so dont ask it was an accident and you know it you dumnbfuck
alot of money i think we bought black angus steak
love steak
love steak
dave chappeil
is fucking down
south park is funny
have seent that sick episode where mrs. chokeondick and mr macky fuck
me and adrian wrote this sick ass song about ruuning over innocent children sight
wommen and children explode
pedestrians are ripped in half
in insanity i start to laugh
bakc to new years
i won some money
i had won even more last time
but this time i was okay
oh yeah i sat there while everyone was partying and i was practicing sick ,drinking a beer, and girlfriend i looked like i wanted to be left alone.
little ceasars is good for five bucks but that shit is good
reaggeton is the lamest shit ever
its almost as lame as that guy that ripped off for his guitar...poor worthless piece of shit bastard from hemet
i once saw this badass concert there at some random casino in the desert@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. i saw los lobos
and war
i had barely got woth my girl on july 2 was the show
were landing on the floor car s wre explodoing
....cars alarms wre going off ..
after i stayed up till like 4 am with that friend with dog
drinking cervesa and what happeenede????
that was a weird new years
i was in this car crach once wioth that lady i speak of
who seems meeaan..and it was a hit and runi reckon but when i wnated a ahsdf'oihSDF'PHSDFP';Jaef
imm a buy one just so can practice in my car when i trying kill time
this time ill have a amp i can perfectly use and convinient way...
its funny vhow guitar players know guitars
timing is critical
in anything .anything
i think i havwe good
you know whe n .......
that dude has a warrior
its nice
whats better?
interesting thing to argue about over some .....psychdelic
drug of some sort
alrgith then acidtoday
ruined my friends grandmas toilet
i have terrible luck with toilets
shit water everywhere!
all ovr the carpet
shit carpet that smells like dog piss and shit with hair every whe re
i also ruined the toilet at the whiskey
on october 13 06 ....07
sme@$$lls like shit backstage
i think i left it stinking peemantly
atplaces both
you know whore
i have a HUGE COCK
no more thats all you meed to know
there was this oe time hallowween 06 fuck i had a crazy hallowween on shrrooms and coronas
after i went with my new woman and i fucking was the fucking worst dick ever to this sweet waitress
i took advantage of her niceness in the wortst way
like 15 of us
orderred shit
i ordered a fish
i like fish, and octopussyand some cholate milki ce cream for that cute chick
i tipped over a motorcyccles
alot of food
i left a sick ass mees s
call edthat slut of a waitiress a slut bitch
spnaked her and oredered her to give me my fucking food or else
in front of this ned flanders family
rude mood
i was gonna fuck u pthe manager becaus ehe told me to calm down
my girl was yelling the guy with dog her cousin. and the
restraut the whole restraunt!
tried to fight but i have friends...
i yelled at the i like i usuaylly
shut the mt eh fuckl up and kept sayuing what had to say to that whore ate ....now now thins is the funny part
so you see everyone left but me and my dumbass friend
(he cut his hair)
and jogs
me an dhim are there left TO PAY THE BILL
he has a plan...pfff
he want to stay and run out adn im like
imma leave this shithole dirty and leave a 6 $ tip
for that bitch
and just walk out casually
so i do jut st that dumbFuck stays
walks in the bathroom while we are all outside in the car smoking waitintg fo rthat bitch and he run out across the street into a gas station into a plaza there at like 4 55 a.m
and there a pig lurking in the dark waiting for a dumbass like him to fucking run out denny's shit hole
we drove around for thAT cunt never found him andthen
i walk my woman to her grannyes almost fucked up the one who jogs he was mad and enraged he calimed it was my fault for leaving
isaid no shit bitch im n ot gonna get caught for trying to rescure your fucking retarded ass
then i wwas under some blankets wiht .......not important i was in teruppted!
i hate interrpuupttions
like everyone does ...im the one whos always writing sick shit and everyone fucking with me
cuando no uno es el otro estupido
in practice just let me work and wel get something done
get in sit down and shut the fuck up
chromatics sound weird
wierdest ever or dimminished augmented
revenge you have try that one if can dicvk
suspeneded i have nt learned to perfected it
melodic minor i dont think i wont understand anytime soon.
pentatonic sound great for one reason only
ill never make up my mind on wich which sound s
or descending
you know what is
i just figured it out
i just firgured out entirely
i wont tell y uo either
except fo rmy witness...you guys....
for i have seen it......
will you shut the fuck up alright
well back to scales
hey they both attract extreme feelings or gloomy or
happy as fuck
or as you just saw the grim reaper as a shadow behind the virgin mary
(on passons and burk in pico riviera)
anytime the day no non nononononon at night
it only works at ngith
like the ouija
crossroads is the movie for me
i think if wasnt a musician i would be a forensi scienctistsssscx..or a writter? or director . or a comedian ,or person who played piano fucking sick
who a guy who drove one of those big mahine with a huge steeell ball
and smashes the old building or guy who sets dynamite
or a terroristi feel like my chest is going to explode
i cant breathe i have troulble breathing
but a have a good metabolism
or so im toldhey ihate those stupid ass informocertional that are trying to sell you music
theyre like
remeber grooving with your numberone girl while you r have a great drink during a hot summer and you know youre about to have the wildest dirstiest unprotected sex in your life
and you hear this badass song and you wanna do dance
thats how good it is!
buy it now for limited only
for just 69.00
free shipping and handling with purchase
sorta like girls gone wilddragons blood...
watch out
i once was cursed
i still must be.I make a rich woman beg, I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman blush, and make a young woman squeal
I wanna be yours pretty baby, yours and yours alone
and i wanna bonei got a ticket for stealing dirt from a cementary at night
two years ago while sacrificing in an evil and wicked wayhave you ever drank sheep's blood
its taste good
but it has a little weird after taste
it doesnt taste like a 18 yr old virgins bloodhave you ever gone vampire hunting
its kind of confusing
because those guys are fucking tricky!
theyre fast motherfucker and the know how to camoflounague!?
but when you think smarter than them
you dont even need to think smarter than them
i am a vampire
in order to kill one you must become one
stake it! and yank out its teeth and bury them in the graveyard and it wont come back to haunt you...its spirit...ghosts are hard too
they help more than harm
there only one way a ghost can help you
you need to go a russian cementary
goto the tomb that calls you
you cant be scared
light a candle on the floor and see what happens
once it burns you can go home
say your fucking wish
and theyll help you but there is a consecunnnsensensence
you must spill your own blood
so now the ghost will own you r soul
wait for results in the mail(3 or 4 business days)ZOMBIE HUNTING
have you ever tried raising the dead....i have!
but it just doesnt workat least not in this life..lauren sanchez is pretty
shes look s like the joker!
but shes still down
also the girl from george lopez
carmen lopez
i bought my my first guitar at AJs pawn shop.
my friend witht the dog needs a singer for his band
help him out
if you hapopen to read this odysseygreek mythology is very weird so is egyptian culture
theyre basic the samee
christianity ripped them off
ask gisel
she showed me some movie
zeightihsetiuste'on gtfb nkdnggvb er!@$$$$!@(86983146f666-98988877
this other person showed me how the world os gonna end
have you seen terminator
that is how the world is gonna be in 2029!
SKYNET will rule the earthamelia earheart
she never disapeerraed!
she lives at my house for
fuck your godheavy rules alli like the soda squirt
and the way that the new song coming out
its all corpse
now that im talking about cannibals i wrote this sick ass song about being boiled alive, eaten, and vulture pecking out your eyes .. it all started when i got in the shower this morning.. i was all coked ou t from the night before
it was 3 pm before i went to pick up adrian's stranded ass
; a long tim eme and my girlfriend were having this discussion about wether it would be better to be burned alive or frozen to death was better
oh look at the time
its 1134!
bu treally i said burning
she said freezing
so as i got in the shower
hot hot shower like a usually take naked
and i turned it down to hot to handle
so i slowly turned it up till it was fucking hot again and i started singing random lyrics and these sick brutal bloody descriptive lyrics popped into my head lie nothing
and i went out to get my notebook ive had sice my band started and began to write in the shower
i wrote like four verses
words were coming ou t of my moutjh associated with burning,cannibalism, and vultures over NS ISLAND likw white on white bread
and lucky
being the magician
i am
i already had some cool riffs ive been saving for a while now
that just happen to fit with the set of lyrics.(1-13-08)in the shower a masterpiece was created
i have mastered the circle game and the flinching game and blame game
you ll never hear the end of it
youll in space
have you seen that axe commercial witht he guy who getting chased by what seem like a million girls
that guy was me
thats how i get clean
okay okay!
enoiugh is enough
i hate thta movie enough
with j lo
jay and silent bob is down
thats a movie to watch
15 bucks little man
put that shit in my hand
interruput by a hot girl o tv
hot chick alert hot chick alert!
alright back to bisiness
15 bucks little man man put that shit in my hand if that money doesnt show then you owe mw owemwe owe me ohhave you heard that song white lines
its aweird dance groove disco rock weird song with sick ass trippy scales that make you wanna hit on bitches after youve drank 20 monsters
jungle fever!
have you heard that judas priest song leather rebel
masters of the night ..have you seen requiem for adream
or have you seen GIA
my girlfrined dog is named that
and gretchenwho do ihate
raggady anne
throw her on the frying pan
cannibals will eat her brainmore more more moreill keep writing my essay on the war on drugs
and gun and of course of course
mr mojo rising
no no no
im a person who can be sarcasticly judgemental
that just confuses the shit out of most people
and they dont know what im saying
but im only saying it right in their face
how stupiod can they be
its self explainitory
explain nitory
i m nto a man whore
im on vacation
decemeber 12th 2012
the world is gonna end
i read it in a book somewhere in time
in a galaxy far far away
i used the force
on her
she can be misleading
so can i
misleading perosn who is very trustworthy
and need someone to sleep with at night on my couch
and watch jimi hendrix at woodstock with and take more acid tablets with too and heartburn medication if a need it
at the time
tum tum tum tum tum tums
did you i like to csi:NY
that show can be complicated
like reading a book
i read
did you know i m pretty good at reading body language
since iwas a kid
i could do it
i would do it sarcastically
but then by the expression on the faces i could tell i was right..with alot of people
its really funny meeting people in parties
or seeing people you know
and seeing wethere they really like you or hate you deep inside its pretty fucking obvious of you can just look them in the eye with out a problem
or sometimes their just shy and humble or something and they dont want to say the wrong thing because theyll think i think they re real dumbasses .have you ever made a dumbass out of yourself
it happens everyday ..not to me...sometimes
i like making movies ,i have alot of ideas, i have weird dreams, lots of them ,very detailed dreams, where i actually moved to the environment around me those can be cool at time
theyre alot of time when i crash in a car
bu the movies are normal dreams
sometimes i dream about something in the past and i actually changed or did what i actually felt like doing at the time and it went normal and smooth
and then i wake up regreting
i hate regreting all that shit
yes never regret
have you ever jumped off a cliff
ihave in a dream
i was in mexico
this place io always used to go when i was a child and my parents were together..its in ensenada,baja california
this place called la BUFADORA
fuck that place was strange at the time
theres this fucking big hole underwater and it destroys everything in its path
raging waters
well you can climb up the cl;iffs around it where there wild raccoons and squirrels and rabbit running around i woukld climb and my moim would get psst
so in my dream i jumped off once
i woke up after
who knows what happen
i remember once i got the camara wet
i ruined it...and on the way home i messed up my dads van and enedededededed up costing like 500$ bucks
we took a taxi home
went back to tj in the buick
and there ws all this ...dilema!
my dad still doesnt know it was me
if he did he would send me to hell!
he is evil haha
he worships satan but dont tell; him that
he ll kill you
back when i wasa senior in high school
i had straight a's
high school was easy shit
i liked english
maybe it was nt challenging enough
i know french
i know how to french kiss as well
many people dontknow i know french
but thats good
many peoiple dont know i know spanish so they speak an i hera them and i give them a look
and they know
i know
they freak out and smile as if they meant it in a nice way!