boys, shoes, clothes, CARS, music, food, laughing, movies, the beach, layin under the stars, sleeping, thinking....
dono. who ever comes...comes!!!
I love music, I dont just listen to it to listen to it, music means something I take the songs to heart and I mostly listen to songs that I can compare to my life. I LOVE TECHNO NOTHING CAN BEAT IT!!!! I love country music, I love rap
Of course like every girl...I love chick flicks!! I love scary movies but I cant watch them alone...I have to be in the mood to watch action but most of the time they wont be my first choice.. I like movies that have a meaning....
i dont watch much tv...mostly movies but I love american idol, the oc and i flip on mtv from time to time....
I love the A-List series...I love to read wen i have free time....
I'm my own hero!