Try Giving an Old Person a wet willy:P They like it;) Candy, Animals, Metaphysics, True Love, eyes, minds, thoughts, the fabric of human nature, Prismology, crystals, meditation, peace, candles, spirituality, cultures, chakras, Ancient Religions, THE ALL, art, plants water, moon, stars, music, Tabernanthe Iboga. Eating more candy, Both-spiritual & universal laws, talking to strangers when they are sad to make them smile, I love animals more than myself, poetry, art (M.C.Escher). Music, Mary Jane, blades, knives, cars, and the beach. I have a huge fat cat named GATO. And I love Smarites & Otterpops.
I think it would be nice to meet someone who is NEITHER Morally Decayed, or Spiritually Bankrupt, But since that is RARE, my dreams are of the dead. Kurt Cobain, Brad Nowell, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Pochahontas, Anubis, Sphinx, The Wizard of Oz, and the Cheshire Cat.
Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (72%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (54%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?(word test)
personality tests by
Pepper, Ziggy Marley, Jack Johnson, Matisyahu, Fiona Apple, Corporate Avenger, ATMOSPHERE, Disturbed, Stained, Pink Floyd, theDOORS, Led Zeppelin, sublime, 311, NIN, Bush, Radiohead, Metallica, Modest Mouse, Silverchair, nirvana, Incubus, RageAgainstTheMachine, The Beatles, Jethro Tull, Pat Benetar, Tom Waites, Bob Marley, DAUGHTER DARLING, the grouch, tuPac, system of a down, pretty much just whatever music has talent/meaning.
"fear & loathing", the Crow, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', Magnolia, Natural Born Killers, Analyze This & Analyze That, "MirrorMask", Ferngully, The Labrynth, "The GIFT", "boys don't cry", "harold and Maude", "detroit rock city", Clockwork Orange, The Exorcist, Pitch Black, Scary Movie, I dunno...
Eat your T.V. I dont watch much of it.
1984, 100 SUNS, the Quantom Universe, The caring and feeding of Indigo Children.
My Baby Puppy, 'Pakalolo'. Punky Brewster, Small Wonder, Carmen Sandiego, Pipi Longstocking, Ralph (the alien who ate cats) My friend Timothy Leory, my cat gato, and of course, Mother Earth, herself.