sevendustbunny profile picture



About Me

"Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth." ... "And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
greetings! in case you were wondering, i try not to sweat the petty stuff (or pet the sweaty stuff), but lately the effort has been short of futile. i can be slightly belligerent and hardheaded, as well as silly like a goober. a night owl. tendency for telling it like it is. my work is the bane and boon of my existence lately. things that make me tick include music, laughter, cute n fuzzy animal candids, shapes in clouds, digging in the dirt, and doing the opposite of what i'm told.
other vices include in no particular order: movies with substance, wordy lit'ratoore, the artsy fartsy, browsing bookstores, Cherry Garcia, sleepies, the 4am hour, rain/thunder storms (minus the slides and traffic collisions), my vunderful speshal friends who are like family and family who are like friends, and much much more...
FYI: not a fan of the high maintenance, doomy Sundays, smoking, excessive drama, dust(ing), crappy drivers, flakes, liars, hoity toity, holier-than-thou individuals, and most of all ignoramuses with tunnel vision! oh and by the way, please try to keep your cig butts in your car ash tray .. and if your car doesn't come equipped, take a pottery class and make yourself one! KEEP HOPE ALIVE!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

a needle in a haystack, Juanes, Salvador Dali, an alchemist, David Sedaris, an amazing yet cheap masseusse/chiropractor, people with brains and a snazzy sense of humor, and folks with good hair that will let me touch it! oh and perhaps ... yo mama :D~


continuously frustrated by questions such as "what's your favorite song?" OR "if you could be stuck on an island which cd would you bring?" impossible to answer concretely! i dream of the day they invent an everlasting ipod battery! stuff on the list: Juanes, mayer, nikka costa, citizen cope, stp, the last kiss soundtrack, joshua radin, SOAD, robin thicke, jamiroquai, damien rice, coltrane, chili peppers, Zero7, bitter:sweet, mat kearney, gym class heroes, fall out boy, 30 seconds to mars, bob sinclair, incubus, marley, snowpatrol, tallica, fuel, ray lamontagne, sevendust, goldfrapp, no doubt, edith piaf, regina spektor, fiona apple, a lil nelly furtado, sabbath, daughtry, frankenreiter & johnson, norah jones, luda, scissor sisters, postal svc, the shins, mos def, cornell, chemical bros, nickelback, pink, sufjan stevens, ratm, yeahs (x3), corinne bailey ray, p'roach, legend, COLD, thicke, the fray, and many moOOoOooOooOoore -- tunes are absolutely mandatory! :D~


    Fight Club The Matrix (I) Garden State Devil's Advocate Point Break Finding Forrester Real Genius The Saint Sleepless in Seattle Eternal Sunshine Science of Sleep Indochine The Fifth Element Xmen Shawshank Redemption Goodfellas 25th Hour SE7EN The Professional Usual Suspects Blown Away Pirates... Good Will Hunting The American President Basquiat Love Actually Sleepless in Seattle Fools Rush in Sweet Home Alabama Forces of Nature ( Almost Famous/Rockstar/Still Crazy The Prestige was a kick in the teeth! anything with Jonny Depp in it (i.e.: The Libertine) indie and/or foreign stuff...


    Sex in the City Law n Order Will n Grace Judging Amy Grey's Anatomy reality TV one might find on BRAVO the food channel


    if it's descriptive & provocative, i'm in! sedaris coelho steinbeck poe bulgakov frost neruda hemingway king fiction and non children's books (great corner at the Bodhi Tree) foundations for decently hollywoodized movie projects MUTTS pearls before swine - hellooo zeibah neighbah!


    parents (good ones) awesome photographers and/or arteeests resilient survivors of horrific circumstances 3-legged dogs Olympic athletes people who can sing [well] polyglots talented professors certain medical professionals childrens ...

My Blog

If everyone cared...

( this is stolen from ashton kutcher's blog  )(( oh and don't miss out on SICK PUPPIES )) ...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:42:00 PST

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:34:00 PST


do not stand at my grave and weepi am not there; i do not sleep.i am a thousand winds that blow,i am the diamond glints on snow,i am the sun on ripened grain,i am the gentle autumn rain.when you awake...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 12:37:00 PST

Crows like shiny stuff!

it's true.  crows enjoy all things shiny.  sometimes a crow might be flying overhead and something on the ground sparkles just so .. a little glimmer reflects in the crow's black glossy eye ...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:42:00 PST

philosophical dilemma

ok, so here's one for yous: what's better?  to have extremely low expectations and be pleasantly surprised? or to have very high expectations and be consistently disappointed? ...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Wed, 10 May 2006 12:02:00 PST

Ever have one of those days....?

yeah. having one of those weekends...
Posted by sevendustbunny on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST