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Free Profile Counter About Bryan Rice:From Shooting Star to Supernova It was not written in the stars that one day Bryan Rice would stand out as THE most brilliant Danish contender to the position as a steadily rising international star. But after his mega success with the first single "No Promisesâ€, there were no longer any doubts. â€No Promises†went to number one on the charts in record time and the subsequent album â€Confessional†contained three tracks that went to the top AND went gold.The transformation from unknown demo singer, with the prospect of a future as a Spanish interpreter, to ultra popular pop star with a seducing vocal was complete. His story can make anyone get puffed but not the man himself: "If I had to start from scratch I would have been worn out during my speedy career, but luckily I had a lot of experience in all corners of the business before the first single really took off in the spring of 2005.I really learned a lot about the business during my years as a backing- and demo singer. The experience made me able to enjoy the success – and I am still enjoying it. When I wake up in the morning I know that I have the best job I could ever imagine and that has been a great motivation when working on the new album. I know it sounds like a cliché but it has really been a difficult process getting the new album together. My own expectations for the album were sky-high and you do feel a certain pressure when you have sold more then 15.000 downloads and 23,000 debut albums.†To live up to Bryan's own expectations a really powerful line-up has been set up around him. The recordings of the second album are led by Remee and the Swedish super producer Harry Sommerdahl. Just like on Bryan's first album he has had a big impact on the second album. â€From the first time we met Harry and I had really good chemistry between us and I am one hundred percent behind his work. The fact that he is singer himself is a great advantage and makes it very rewarding working with him.†Harry Sommerdahl has also – in collaboration with Hanne Soorvag - written the new first single â€I Lied†from the up-coming album entitled â€Good Newsâ€. Bryan Rice has written a part of the songs on the new album together with other song writers. To him it has been a natural development to explore new areas of his artistic universe. The inspiration comes from observing the little things and every-day events. â€I saw a small sticker in my neighborhood saying: I am leaving now and I am not turning around, ..cause you are there… That inspired my to write a song for the new album; it..s the whole process that such a small incident or a quaint story can turn into a finished song that fascinates me about song writing.†The new album features a more rock-influenced version of Bryan Rice. He explores new aspects of his voice without compromising with the refined pop-sound that has been so successful the past two years.It is still the catchy tunes, the moving lyrics and Bryan..s amazing voice that form the basis – exactly the combination that has filled both reviews and audience – in Denmark and abroad - with enthusiasm. Many people predict that Bryan Rice will be the Danish guiding star that leads the way into a new magnificent pop-age. With the coming album the dream of breaking through as an internationally recognized artist really seems to come true. The new first single â€I Lied†hits the radio on April 23rd and is followed by Bryans second album â€Good News†- in the stores this fall! Remember to check out the latest news on