Anybody who loves/likes the movie Dead Calm and loves Billy Zane. Anybody who has quotes from their favorite Billy movie, please feel free to share them. I think it would be kinda cool too to have a Billy Zane "look-a-like" gallery. Myself I would love to see how many men out there look like the beautiful Zane in some way or another. ONE of my goals: to meet/date a Billy Zane look-a-like. Lol!!
Staind: Epiphany
Dead Calm:
Look, your being very aggressive! That could be a real problem on this small boat!
Rae: The ship is sinking Hughie!
Hughie: Thats NOT my fault!
When your 80 Rae, you'll still be a beautiful woman.
Magnificant. Shit, that sounds like something you would say at a goddamn cocktail party or something. Should have given you my card for crissake.
John: Its a dingy.
Rae: a drift?
John: No, theres a man in it.
John: Whats your trouble?
Hughie: Trouble is, shes going down. Thats the trouble!Shes not gonna last the morning.
John: How many people are on bored?
Hughie: Nobody, Im alone. Im it.
Hughie: There were 10 of us, it all happend in a day.
John: What happend?
Hughie: Have you ever thought about how life can hinge on the smallest thing? I mean ever since I was kid I thought salmon was for cats.
Rae: Was it canned salmon?
Hughie: Yeah. At first we thought it was the tourist trots, until Chantel looked at her hand and said "Picasso should have painted it." It had seven fingers.
Hughie: He should have trusted me, but thats always been my problem.
Hughie: I can never tell people's motives until its too late.
Susan's Plan:
Betty Johnson: Susan?
Susan Holland: Yes?
Betty Johnson: Paul's going to be all right.
Susan Holland: Shit!
Sam Myers: What is it?
Susan Holland: Paul's going to be all right.
Sam Myers: Shit!
Bill: Fuck!
Steve: Damn it!
I make my own luck.
A real man makes his own luck.
Rose: I am not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command. I am your fiancée.
Cal Hockley: My fian... my fiancée! Yes, you are, and my wife. My wife in practice if not yet by law, so you will honor me. You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. Because I will not be made a fool, Rose. Is this in any way unclear?
Rose: No.
It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink this ship.
Cal Hockley: Where are you going? To him? To be a whore to a gutter rat?
Rose: I'd rather be his whore than your wife.
Jack: There uh, isn't any arrangement is there?
Cal Hockley: No, there is. Not that you'll benefit much from it. I always win Jack, one way or another.
You know theres nothing I couldnt give you. There is nothing I would deny you, if you wouldnt not deny me.
Demon Knight:
Humans. Fuck this cowboy shit! You fucking ho-dunk, po-dunk, well then there motherfuckers! All you had to do was give me the goddamn key! Then we could get on with our lives.
Alright...this house is hereby...condemned....
Do me a favor? Don't scream. Just hear what I've gotta say... and then scream.
Josephine Marcus: Interesting little scene. I wonder who that tall drink of water is.
Mr. Fabian: My dear, you've set your gaze upon the quintessential frontier type. Note the lean silhouette... eyes closed by the sun, though sharp as a hawk. He's got the look of both predator and prey.
Josephine Marcus: I want one.
Mr. Fabian: Happy hunting.
Doc Holliday: I'm your huckleberry...
Wyatt Earp: Go ahead, skin it! Skin that smokewagon and see what happens...
Johnny Tyler:M-mister, I'm gettin' tired of your...
Wyatt Earp: I'm gettin' tired of all your gas, now jerk that pistol and go to work! I said throw down, boy!
Doc Holliday: You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all. Poor soul, you were just too high strung.
Doc Holliday: I have two guns, one for each of ya.
Morgan Earp: Look at all the stars. You look up and you think, "God made all this and He remembered to make a little speck like me." It's kind of flattering, really.
Lake Consiquence:
People don't fall in love with each other because of their pasts! They fall in love with who they are.
Richard Miller: He wants my eyes?
Thomas Beckett: Ah, he means antejos, your shooting glasses. Give them to him.
Richard Miller: Why?
Thomas Beckett: Because he likes them.
Richard Miller: May you go blind!
Richard Miller: When the "rush" is over, it hurts. Doesn't it?
Thomas Beckett: What you're feeling now ain't the worst pain. The worst thing is not feeling the hurt anymore.
Is there a wrong way to fall down a fucking mountain?
Demon Knight
Dead Calm,
the Diamond of Jeru,
Survival Island AKA Three
the Phantom,
Silence of the Hams
Billy Zane Movies
the Mad
Alien Agent
Dead Calm
the Phantom
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
Survival Island
Susan's Plan
Lake Consequence
Drake: Charmed music video
Drake: Charmed
Ok so I dont know of any books but I have some terrific links to share:Billy Zane Ask Images
Dead Calm Ask Images
Billy Zane misc Ask Images