cooking, goin-out, console gaming, reading, surfing the web, playin pool, cars, enjoyin the company of close friends
I just want to meet new friends and get in touch with old ones. If you're a type of person who enjoys life and lives in the moment, then I'm quite sure that we could get along. Another thing is that I also love to go out or just hang- out with anyone who isn't close-minded.
R&B, Hiphop, House, Acoustic, Progressive, Lounge, Punk/Grunge, Pop. Rock, Alternative, Senti, Trance
LOTR, Harry Potter, The Patriot, Gladiator, Count of Monte Cristo, Scary Movie 1&2, Knight's Tale, Braveheart, Fast & the Furious 1&2, Sleepers, Ocean's 11, King of the Hill, Love Affair, Godfather 1-3, Matrix, Jerry Bruckheimer & Quitin Tarantino films, The last castle, The ring series, Meet joe black, Troy, Hell Boy, Van Helsing
CSI, Alias, The Sopranos, Fear Factor, Survivor series, Amazing Race, Charmed, Bubble Gang, Food Network, Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob, Discovey Channel
Books by Anne Rice, Robert Kiyosaki, Alan Popa, Sheldon and John Maxwell, The Alchemist, The Notebook, Art of War, The Stranger, You Shall Know Our Velocity, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People