DoUGaNAtOR!!! profile picture


what have you got going for you other than your looks?

About Me

To all who really care. You my dear friends will have to find out all about me by yourself. HAH and you thought you were going to get a cheat sheet! nosiree, you must go through the pain and perils, of conversing, emails, msgs and msning in order to unravell my many layers of mystery. Though the road may be long and from where you stand perhaps impossible to get to the end, the journey is truly magnificent. I think of this as my way of telling you take the scenic route through my life rather than the cross city tunnel, who knows you may just end up enjoying the view ;)

My Interests

rollerblding, writing, reading, hanging out with mates, maths+science, philosophy

I'd like to meet:

Maxi Jazz Jesus The Apostle paul


Hip to the hop u don't stop, more jungle than tarzan and jame, Hardcore beats armageddon on the streets, DJ's that swing it both ways, Ska to skank to, Christ music to give thanks 2


How to make a douganator
5 parts pride
3 parts courage
5 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.comYOU!

My Blog


yo wassup i aint real sure what this stuff is all about but hey ill blog this sheeit up. Yah so i like tah roll and came on this site to find lotsa rollers to chill with and discuss the finer things i...
Posted by DoUGaNAtOR!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST