paper dolls and people but no japos, and nothing else.
Things about me that you dont care about
Name me
Age 21
Birthday may 24th
Hometown ptizle
Where you live the streets
Eye Color bloodshot
Hair Color blond
Height 5'8
Weight i dont even know daow
Righty or Lefty both
Inny or Outty both
Ethnicity albino
Worst Fear drownding in milk
Weakness being ocward
Strengths being ocward
Goals none
Soda jack and coke
Food beer
Car 77 stepside chevy
Actor/actress charls bronson
Music Artist or Band deaf kids
Animal snakes
Color blue
Song strange condition
Movie 25th hour
TV show sinfield
Holiday arbor day
Subject in school history
Resturant/Fast Food free food is the best
Pizza Topping olives
Book chronicles
Thing in your room my bed
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla swirl
Rock or Pop rockandroll
Pizza or Hotdog if I were starving Id eat myself
Gay or Sraight totally gay
Apple or Orange peach
Computer or TV Id rather watch the grass grow
Pencil or Pen crayon
Color or Black and White Im blind you jackass
Skating or Biking skating
Welfare or Welfare if the check would ever come
Spanish or African south african
Bright or Dark darkness
Night or Day they both look the same when you dont sleep
Late night or Early morning no sleep
Have you's?
Been in love I cant remember
Smoke if your holdin...
Drank what you got on my forty?
Been on TV once, I was on what would you do for a dollar.
"Performed" for crack who hasnt
Do you's?
smoke is holdin mcneal here?
drink not since my last paycheck
play an instrument the magnetic skin flute
think you're attractive hell yea
have a crush on someone myself
think someone has a crush on you I know I do
have a best friend yea
cut your own skin because you tried to give blood the hard way once
have a cell phone and get brain tumors no thank you.
find yourself bored a lot how did you guess
have a myspace no
have AIM no
have MSN no
have a girlfriend/boyfriend hell no
For a Guy/Girl
Hair sure
Eyes hopefully
Height 3'4
Weight 80-110
Style a compleet hoebag
Random stuff
Do you have piercings no
Do you have tattoos no
How many CD's do you own lots
Are you popular no
Have you ever broken the law every day
Have you ever been arrested no
Are you tired of this survey mabe
Did you like it no
Are you done not yet
Ok your done!
Survey Made by: Crack Man
jamie Thomas terry henry Rosario dawson peja stojakovic christina ricci mos def daniel day-lewis and the highlander but no one else... EVER!except for cat people!
Punk Rock Muzak 'The-Matches---Never-Learn'
funny ass shit...'FOOTBALL BITCH!' Does his own stunts too...
Meat Wad!