MoOnShiNe MuA -SSC profile picture

MoOnShiNe MuA -SSC


About Me

i-shadow/Toby Neilan:credits b/g
~**on the known to layer my clothing 92.478564% of the time/wear that scarf of mine even when its 85plus degrees out/leg or arm warmers/the lil or over bear'n amount of bracelets...!"i confess my addiction to lipgloss"! love of makeup/hair/music/mmmm...eating
beneath it all... ...only the ones close ~know me best...**~
*****my passion and heart is in hands and imagination guides my work with each canvas that is set forth in front of inspired by others work and mainly nature itself...***** "i feed my mind with endless information and different techniques...that enables me to be a great student, teacher, and artist~never stop learning...our minds and knowledge is our greatest tool!" ....ssc 10.23.2006
01.20.2007 credits: Rachael Laine Photography mayhem #237325/ model: Ashleigh/mua: moonshine mua ssc mayhem #231763
12.09.2006 shoot with julianne brasher/denver
credits: julianne brasher mayhem #255307 (photographer)/models: sky mayhem #66593 and devers mayhem #246452/mua: moonshine mua ssc mayhem #231763
11.14.2006 hotrod shoot
credits: shovelhead curt/studio 9000 mayhem 3329 (photographer), (model) miss take (rachel) mayhem #173319, mua: moonshine mua ssc mayhem #231763
10.01.2006 some photos from vintage night-owl setup and shoot( boulder, co..(below photography credits: [email protected] Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
below "Jeff Fryer Photography -" Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
***FaShIoN for kIcKs***~ @ dc10 9.23.2006 location: denver, co
and my friend kat is amazing as a friend/as a person/as a natural was fun doing her makeup for a car show here in denver when i first got back from san jose, ca...i wanted to share with all of you guys some pix of miss kitty from saturday [07.22.06] at the springs by nathan sebastian/fashion by my other love miss nunu!!!/makeup by ~hehe me....
Condemnation Tried Here on the stand With the book in my hand And truth on my side
Accusations Lies Hand me my sentence I'll show no repentance I'll suffer with pride
If for honesty You want apologies I don't sympathize If for kindness You substitute blindness Please open your eyes
Condemnation Why Because my duty Was always to beauty And that was my crime
Feel elation High To know I can trust this Fix of injustice Time after time
If you see purity As immaturity Well it's no surprise If for kindness You substitute blindness Please open your eyes
......depeche mode

My Interests

...watching (JaDe) my lil girl grow up, Izze and Vitamin water, Traveling with that special someone, Make-up, fashion, photography, reading, journals, knitting, crocheting, crafts


I'd like to meet:

MaKeUp LoVeRs!!!...PhOtOgRaPhErS...mOdElS...nErDs... -DeShawn Hatcher
-Mally Roncal (celebrity makeup artist and Sephora spokesperson)
-Bobbi Brown
-Pat McGrath
-Sharon Dowsett
-Ellis Faas
-Frances Hathaway
-Joanne Gair
-Val Garland
-Tom Savini
-Tom Pecheux
-Val Garland
-Diane Kendall
-Pablo Manzoni
-Gordon Espinet
-Way B andy
-Mary Greenwell
-Johnny Depp, John Cusack, and Chester (from Linkin Park)




Contact Box Generated from
SeReNdiPiTy, BeTtEr OfF DeAd ("i want my two dolla'z!"), HaIrSpRaY, CrYBaBy, MuSt LoVe DoGs, TaKiNg LiVeS, fRiDaY, rUnNiNg ScArEd, BeNcH wArMeRs


CsI, LaW and OrDeR (sVu), MoNk, WiThOuT a TrAcE


!this is what tom does at work when there is a snow storm--its the electric slide yo!!!


SoPhAnNa( Jade's daddy):Show'd me love-Show'd me fear-Show'd me life-Always want'd the best 4me-Jus want'd me 2b happy and content w myself-'one of my BestFriends