The idea of Ingutted spawned in the middle of 2005. Idea was created by Snaw only as an idea and possibly a fuck around, only a few songs were written up. Problems occured, and the idea was put off for a bit. Finally recorded 4 tracks for the first demo, entitled "Grinding Your Guts" in November, followed by a 6 way split in December. And nothing but great feedback followed behind them.
2006 rolls around, and the second demo "Disposing of Corpses" was self-released online in the middle of April. After the release of the demo, Joe of Vomiting Rectum joins the gutting spree, jumping on the guitars, and Snaw on vocals and programming.
Ingutted joined up on the roster of Feculent Asphyxiation Recordings in the summer of 2006, and the first two demos were re-released to the public once again for destroying their ears. "To Excrete Vile Gore" will be the new EP release soon out on FA, and it will be more defecating and more shittier sounding then the previous two demos. So open your mouths, and let us shit in them.
Ingutted has so far, shared the stage with:
The Leviathans Mandible, Nailshitter, Despised Icon, Amoebic Dysentery, Crimson Massacre, Maruta, Cystic Dysentery, Secrets She Kept, Queef Huffer
"Grinding Your Guts" Demo (2005)
Released: November 2005
Label: Self-Released. Re-released by Feculent Asphyxiation Recordings
"Goresplattered Platter" 6 Way Split (2005)
Released: December 2005
(Bands: Ingutted, Trypanon, Anal Spewicide, Gore Gorge, Drown Retarded Children, Fetal Pig)
Label: Gore Sludge Promotions
"Disposing of Corpses" Demo (2006)
Released: April 2006
Label: Self-Released. Re-released by Feculent Asphyxiation Recorings
:..-:COMING SOON:-..:
Hmm dont know, we'll think about it.
AIM- DisgorgedBlood
[email protected]
[email protected]
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