I am a photographer. www.studiowebber.comI am dorky, I like to cuddle with all of my best friends. I'm a big fan of really pretty music videos. I love to dance. I take classes with Luam at BDC and everyone seems to be better than me. But thats okay. thats cool. I'll get there. ha. Not that I'm tryin, I was born with Latin blood in my veins.
I miss all my friends in CALI!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! But visiting is fun :) especially when you come to New York.
More lame facts. I just found out a month ago that I really like olives... anyone else think thats weird. Cuz I used to HATE them.
My favorite pair of jeans are from GAP..........
I really do get very happy when corny movies come on TV. Even if they're just on in the background. i.e. Center Stage, Miss Congeniality (basically anything with Sandra Bullock)
Oh and I do have a facebook apparently that I forgot about. But recently all these people keep asking if I'm on Facebook instead of myspace, so in order to keep in touch, I started one. But I dont like it. Becuase it doesnt make sense to me. Why do I get things like, you're invited to see which pirate shoes you would wear?.....
Oh and American Culture is kind of lame
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Face Off Competition | NORBERT PETI | Design Book Magazine http://www.designbookmag.com/faceoff/detail/187
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I'm only 10 votes away :) eeeeeeeeeekkk and then I gotta push on!!! woo woooooooooo