Fighting crime, working on my portable space craft, Perfecting time travel, watching Lazar Disc, Calculating the speed of light, Scrap booking, Alphabetizing words, Practicing my aim at the shooting range, Bennie baby’s, Coin and Stamp collecting, Mis-spelling words, Driving out in the middle of no ware and seeing if I can find my way home again, Cleaning my Gama Ray, consuming freeze dried ice cream, and Drinking Tang.
A Friend or foe.
The sounds of space
They live, Lazer blast, Forbidden Zone, Barbarella, The Monster Squad,Total Recall, E.T., CQ, Ghostbusters, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Repo Man, Godzilla Vs. Mecca Godzilla, Forbidden Planet, Blade Runner, Tron, Chopping Mall.
Dr. Who, Freaks and Geeks, Mr. Show, Arrested Development, The Office, Flight of the Concords, The Twilight Zone, The Original Star Trek Series, The Prisoner.
Authors: Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Burnes, Danial Clowes, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Paul Pope, Evan Dorkin, Douglas Adams, Aldous Huxley, David Sedaris, J.D. Salinger, Abbie Hoffman, George Orwell, Flannery O'Connor, Lois Lowry, Ray Bradbury.
David Copperfield, Richard Simmons, Steven Hawkins, Phillip k. Dick