I'd like to meet:
Möchten, möchten, möchten.. Immer dasselbe.
The Beatles; The Blues Brothers; Queen; Spicy Roots; Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra; Ska-P; Die Ärzte; AC/DC; Flymoe; Rammstein; Tony Montanas; RHCP; Johnny Cash; Beastie Boys; Oldies im Allgemeinen
Blues Brothers; Help!; Star Trek; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Life of Brian; Meaning of Life; Monty Python..s And now for something completely different; Reservoir Dogs; Pulp Fiction; Kill Bill; Boondock Saints; HDR; Fight Club; Sin City; The Wanderers; Indiana Jones; Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten; Leon der Profi; Brain Dead; Evil Dead; Waynes World
Star Trek; Monty Python..s Flying Circus; Monk; Lost; Dr. House; Simpsons; Futurama; South Park
Herr der Ringe; The Hobbit; Die Edda; Die Leiden des jungen Werther; Die Physiker; The Green Mile; Die Päpstin; Erik der Rote; Das Telefonbuch
Gene Roddenberry