I love bands/music, books, art, writing, walls, desert houses, post cards, coca-cola, the O.C., movies, travelling..
Johnny Thunders, but unfortunately that..s impossible.
And many fictional persons from several books and movies.
I like Traffic Island, Babyshambles, Mika, Dirty Pretty Things,Libertines, Death cab for cutie, Adam Green, David Bowie, Hanoi Rocks, Johnny Thunders,80..s Dingo etc.
Almost Famous. Rumble Fish. Tjenare Kungen. Pitkä Kuuma Kesä.
The O.C. 3, House, Sex and the city, Ally McBeal, Friends.
I like all books from S.E. Hinton
and Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk and some books from Kauko Röyhkä. Catcher in the Rye was also amazing.
I read quite a lot and it would be impossible to list all my favorite books.
Michael Monroe.