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How do you rate a 1980 Brandyrox
According to Wikipedia: Brandy has a rating system to describe its quality and condition, these indicators can usually be found near the brand name on the label.How do I rate?
A.C. : aged 2 years in wood.
V.S. : "Very Special" or 3-Star, aged at least 3 years in wood.
V.S.O.P. : "Very Special Old Pale" or 5-Star, aged at least 5 years in wood.
X.O. : "Extra Old", Napoleon or Vieille Reserve, aged at least 6 years, Napoleon at least 4 years.
Vintage : Stored in the cask until the time it is bottled with the label showing the vintage date.
Hors D'age : These are too old to determine the age, although 10 years plus is typical, and are usually of great quality.
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Which Sublime song are you?
Caress Me Down
Te gusta reggae, y te gusta punk rock. Oh and what's that other thing you like...oh yeah-sex. You're hornier than Ron Jeremy. Uuh, and that's the lovin' sound.
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