$$cHrIsTInA$$ profile picture


U KnOw I gOt dA mAn At Da LiQuOr StOrE rIcH!!!

About Me

..I am 21 years old but feel way older!!! ive been through hella shit and am just chill and relaxed now. I hate drama and stay outa it and I'm happy in my life with what I'm doing and who i have to share everything with... My 2 kids are a blessing(elijah james 4 years old and nevaeh rose 2 years old! ... They are one in a million!!!!!We have the best family ever!!! I couldn't ask 4 more... (well of coarse $$$ but that a given and in the works anyway;) I am going to school to be a nurse then a doctor... im gettin there... i love livin in the BAY. I'm luvin and livin life 2 tha fullest. I thank the Lord every day 4 my babies, wisdom and strength to be who I am... My favorite scripture is "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING!" it gets me through the rough times:found this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

I love music and dancing! BLUNTS AND BOOZE!!!!.I luv going to school and learning what im learning!!! i love foot ball and GO NINERS..THAT RIGHT BITCHES! SAN FRANSISCO!!! AND of coarse the giants! I LOVE KIDS!

I'd like to meet:

meetin gwen stefanni would be tight! or mac dre b4 he passed.RIP!
Graphics & Layouts


Gotta represent for my Laveezy... he tha shit n talented like a muthafuka...curbside committee!!! uhhhm brotha Lynch, mac dre, dj quick, suga free(((That brings back memories like a mutha$$cka))) tu pac of coarse, keisha cole, steve miller, sublime motley crew, jamie fox, lil wayne, young buck... theres hella more, i finish l8r
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matrix, horror flix, up in smoke, natural born killer, temptaions and five heartbeats(memories at 563!..damn) lil shop of horror(already know who got me stuck on that 1!) oh and shannon got me stuck on shes havin a baby(memories of being pregnant together and crying..lol)THE PUNISHER




i cant really read at my own leisure because of all my text books i have to read!!! hours and hours worth damn i don wanna think of it but it'll be rewarding in the end! but i always liked steven king and what to expect when your expecting... color purple uhm welcome to hard times


BOB MARLEY..MY MAMA, AND MY BABIES( they are the reason i pulled my head outa my ass n actually did something with my life and got wise about my shit it was pretty simple now when i look back but im there now and not backtracking ever again so that what counts!) oh and of coarse the 1 and only ^