Phunckseanal profile picture


Believe it or not, im walking on air...

About Me

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My Interests

Tranzliate this Shiznit to Jive!

Click the Spinn'n Rim Beotch!

I'd like to meet:

Hitler, Lenin, Butch Cassidy, David Cassidy and especially Columbus (becuase then i could prove to everyone he was a slave driver)


Trance baby. The iPod is rife with TRANCE!


Still Fight Club. When something comes out that beats it, I'll be there.


On way too much. I tried to give my girlfriend my TV for a while but she didnt want it. Im screwed. A product of technology. TV generation.


Right now? ANGELS AND DEAMONS and DAVINCHI CODE. Then im going to read the newest David Saderis book then excitedly move on to... that guy that wrote Fight Club, his stuff.


Horribly rich people.

My Blog

My new blog.
Posted by Phunckseanal on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:40:00 PST

Sinking World

Check out this blurb from the Motion Picture Production Code that was in effect in the twenties till about the forties here in America. Its very interesting to see how our world has changed in the las...
Posted by Phunckseanal on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 05:23:00 PST


Good hell. Seriously. My page quote here is noted: "Good hell. The internet is stealing my life." Im supposed to be doing homework. I just bombed a Phy Sci test (52%) and was to then continue on with ...
Posted by Phunckseanal on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 09:45:00 PST