hoopla. .......................... ................ ....... ......... .......... ... ... .. ..... ....... ............................. .................... ....... ............. ..................... ............ .......... ............... .............. ........... the sarcophagid fly. .......................... .......... ............. ........................... ... ........ ..................... ................. ...................... ..... ............................ ......... ............................... ............. ............... ............... ................................. ... ... ..... ............... .... ..... ...................... ....... .................hmm? ..That's right, that's a bug. It ate the fish's tongue, crawled in to its new home and does all the work the tongue did just for room and board, no benefits.
I'm still trying to wade through all the friend requests I got when I had the picture up of me naked in the shower with Bill Nye the Science Guy, Frank (the manager of the McDonald's down the street), and the eight tubes of Big Mac Sauce. And no, those were Bill's bosoms, not mine.
This Week: Mingus, Black Sabbath
Documentary. 70's plot driven. Cassavetes. Toshirô Mifune. Spike Lee. Mr. Depp. Sometimes, in the modern action, when the editing is too fast and I'm not really seeing anything, just getting the feeling of high stress, well, I close my eyes.
Do Not Have One. It's a better living. Otherwise, I'm a slave to the television. It astounds me, and I can't stop watching. My mouth hangs open and my eyes glaze over and I make grunting noises that sometimes rise up at the end as if they're questions. ungh?
lots and lots and lots. Lots. Right Now: Will the Circle Be Unbroken -. STUDS TERKEL . And I finished Soul Made Flesh by Carl Zimmer. (He also did Parasite Rex which is really, really good). Super history of modern science. If you haven't read him (odds are no...) then get on it. I don't care if you're 42 or 14 (you know who you are). Here's a link to his website (click the pic of the dictyostelium, or SLIME MOLD, below)- he writes an astounding blog. SLIME MOLD
I need a hero/ I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night/ he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast/ and gotta be fresh from the fight/ I need a hero/ I'm holding out for a hero till the morning light/ He's gotta be sure and he's gotta be soon/ And he's gotta be larger than life/ LARGER THAN LIFE...