i love music, fast cars, bikes, boats, any thing fast really
would have loved to met Hunter S. Thompson, tim leary, sid barrett, just to pick thier minds, but now, the dali lhama, and friends from lives past
i like all kinds of music, lets see, infected mushroom, jimi hendrix, sandra collins, dieselboy, dara, jackal and hyde, mauro picotto, led zepplin, tool, a perfect circle, lil boosie, tupac, bootsie colllins, george clinton, beethoven, and a few others i can't think of right now
just the few i have seen lately, a clockwork orange, longest yard, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, halfbaked,mr. and mrs. smith, donnie darko, lotr trilogy, blade trilogy, all of the matrix movies, gummo, the ringer, black snake moan(a great movie),shooter, breach, the bourne trilogy,american ganster, it's the bomb, lot's more, no room
let's see, umm, adult swim, u kno, the one on cartoon network, nething on discovery, animal planet, comedy central, umm, i guess that's it, but maybe not
I've been into clive barker lately, wilbur smith has a few good ones,what fighting style do you have?
Martial Artist
Light on your feet, and able to take a hit,you keep your composure and never panic. your a black belt in whatever style you trian in and a very worthy advisary. Wax on Wax off
Take this testmy dad, all the soldiers fighting for what we take for granted everyday, you don't kno what you mean to us all, and lets see, saeed and polash, brian cox, carl cox, junkie xl, there's losts more, but i am too sober to remember right now