"Did you ever feel as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out?
Some sort of extra power that you aren't using?...I'm thinking of a queer feeling I sometimes get,
a feeling that I've got something important to say and the power to say it- only I don't know what it is,
and i can't make any use of the power.
If there was some different way of writing...
Or else something else to write about...
the sort of words that make you jump,
almost as though you'd sat on a pin,
they seem so new and exciting even though they're about something hypnopædically obvious.
But that doesn't seem good enough.
It's not enough for the phrases to be good;
what you make them ought to be good too..."
(Brave New World- Aldous Huxley 1932)
my name is Corinne/ corndog/corndizzle/cornbread/Euphoria... there's too many to list.I'm the kinda girl, that will drop what I'm doing to help my friends because they're my family.
I make friends for life, so if you're worth my effort, know that we're in it for the long haul.Fake/ shady people can just go ahead and keep navigating past my page, because I don't have time for you.
But if you think you're worth while, I'm always open to meeting new people, so holla!!!!
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so that you apprieciate them when they're right.
You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.
& Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
-Marilyn Monroe
Mizz Fabulous