..::misho::.. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

WELL HI THERE EVERYONE!I just got back from Auckland!! For those of you I havent seen yet, send me a message and we'll catch up! I've got a new mobile number too, so send me a message and I'll let you know my new number. Only a few people knew I was coming home coz I wanted to surprise all my mates. Just had the best weekend with everyone.. Thanks for a good one!Auckland was awesome. Had sooo many random times and made some awesome friends. Am missing it heaps already, but am really glad to be back. Check out my pics of all the good times I've had over the last six months. Plenty more to come, so keep an eye on my page to stay updated on all my shenanigans :)peace out xx michelle --
Like in nature to a train-riding hobo
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

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You Are An ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. What's Your Personality Type?
Create your own Scared Letters

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!35 Things You’d Never Think to Ask 1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? nope 2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster? I try to keep them open 3. When's the last time you've been sledding? Um NZ 2 years ago, me and Nat sledded down the beginner’s hill sitting on our snow boards coz it was easier than standing up 4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Depends on my mood. I sleep more sound by myself.. I guess coz im used to it. (loser) haha 5. Do you believe in ghosts? I think so.. it’s the sort of thing i dont really want to know about though... 6. Do you consider yourself creative? yeah 7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? nope 8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Jennifer 9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Not really 10. Do you know how to play poker? Kinda.. have played once, so would need the cheat card that tells you what hand means what.. 11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? I think so.. don’t know when though 12. What's your favourite commercial? The mother one (see movie) 13. Who was your first love? Havent been in love 14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? nope 15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Nope I dont have any 16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Umm yankees coz it’s a cool word 17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? yep 18. How often do you remember your dreams? Not often at all 19. What's the one thing on your mind? Right now.. how tired i am 20. Do you always wear your seat belt? yep 21. What talent do you wish you had? To play guitar 22. Do you like Sushi? Hmmm.. I looooved it until I got food poisoning from it last year, and stopped eating it.. but im weening my way back onto it 23. What do you wear to bed? Whatever i can find 24. Do you truly hate anyone? Nope.. even the one person i can think of that i dont get along with the most right now, if she was nice to me, Id be nice back to her.. 25. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Xavier Rudd 26. Do you know anyone in jail? Not that i know of 27. What food do you find disgusting? Gnocchi.. the texture!! Eww... 28. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? Yeah all the time bahahahahahha (LOL AB) 29. Have you ever been punched in the face? Nope 30. Do you believe in angels and demons? nup 31. Are you afraid to die? I dont really think about it 32. Do you instantly trust people? Yep 33. Child like or adult? Umm i guess adult? 34. Is the world a safe place or a survivors world? Survivors world i guess 35. Believe in dreams? Fo’ shizzle

My Blog

new pics!

I've got some pics of new zealand up (finally!).. check out all my mates and crazy times since I've been over here..starting from my first weekend out on the town in Auckland, with a work pub crawl, t...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:58:00 GMT

me me me

How old will you be in 10 months?23.. whoa hahaDo you think you'll be married by then?hell no!What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months?New Years!!! 3 months today! woootWho was the last p...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 17:17:00 GMT

choice bro

Wow.. I feel like the lukiest person alive right now.  It's so crazy how everything's fallen into place here.  I seriously feel like I'm dreaming and haven't even left Brisbane yet!  It...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 14:09:00 GMT


Hope you all had fun at the FeStIvAl oF MiShO!!.. I had the time of my life.  Thank you all for making my night as awesome as it was and partying like it's 1999!  w0000000000t!! On a heavier...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 15:33:00 GMT

Live as though heaven is on earth

For the first time, Ive felt like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for my trip.  It just kinda hit me the other day, when I realised how soon it is until I leave!  Everything see...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 22:56:00 GMT

Home sweet home

So I've just moved back home to Mum's house, after having lived out of home for the last two years.  Ouch.  So far I've been back 2 days, and so far so good, however my Mum has been away, so...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:55:00 GMT