devilsadvakitx "Conspiracy Theory" profile picture

devilsadvakitx "Conspiracy Theory"

I'm the guitarist 4 Conspiracy theory

About Me

Ask me and I might tell you....I play guitar for a band called "CONSPIRACY THEORY" I spend most of my time listening to music & riding dirt bikes during the weekends,When I am not touring with the band..But i also play with my side project band call THE OH SHIT'S they kick ASS!LOL... I like to hang out with my friends at bars P.P.D.M. style also with my Buddy from I'LL NINO.I am a very quiet person but I can also party with the best of them.
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My Interests

music,dirt bikes,guitars and My fucking drugs!

CONSPIRACY THEORY/Band Members Rick - Vocals Ralph - Rapper & Screamer Fernnie- Guitar Moeses- GuitarJavier - Drums Jeremy - DJ & Samples Cesar - Bassmspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src=" &ver=060828" enableJavaScript="false"

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Conspiracy Theory,Slipknot,Korn,Disturbed,Ill Nino,Flaw,Staind,Drownning Pool,ADEMA......fucken metal music basterds! and classical rock!


Team America World Police,Halloween all the movies,Invader Zim,The Family Guy,Horror movies straight up! and last but not least Porno flix!! :)


music videos and cable porn!


My dad