9 fingers profile picture

9 fingers

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a fun out going person love to hang out in the outdoors. But most of all I keep myself very busy with work. But I love to play also. I feel that I'm here to help people in life to become sucessful and to make a meaning for themself in this world. For it is not easy by yourself. I feel it is all about Teamwork.
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My Interests

Hiking in the outdoors, Paintballing, Mountian biking, ridding Street Bikes through the canyons. In the winter snowboarding in the fresh powder through the trees. Anything to keep my adrellin pumping

I'd like to meet:

Some one who is motivated, positive, fun, outgoing and want to change there life for the BETTER.


I love to listen to jazz, house,a little rap at times. On my I-Pod I have a wide range of music to listen to any thing with a good beat is good by me . But most of all I love to grow in life for I'm in the car most of the time I listen to a lot of motivational cd's (Jim Rohn, Mr Robins ,Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Kiyosaki, ) and any thing to get my mind on track. For the Future


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I have a Big screen TV at my House But I only watch DVD's on it. I do not watch TV at my house. It kills your brain, And there is nothing good to watch anyway.


One Minute Millionaire. The power of Focus, The 21 Irrefutable laws of leadership, My First Year in Network Marketing, Think and Grow Rich and another Great book is 1,000 Places to see before you Die. Any thing to help me grow in life.


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