We need to believe and trust in ourselves first before we have the right to trust and believe in others
Communication and unconditional love is the very best aspect of any trusting friendship, marriage and relationship
We should NEVER judge or assume about other people because of our own insecurities and our cowardly way of not asking straight forward, because we might be afraid of rejection
QUALITY NOT QUANTITY IN choosing your friends and relationships
We should never be phoney or superficial, and we should never associate ourselves with people like that, and we should be ourselves and not try prove something to someone simply because we cannot accept ourselves or other people for who we or they are. Never try to change anyone because we cannot accept ourselves or someone. We should always accept people for who and what they are.
I had the unfortunate timing of being just 100 feet away at the time the very first plane hit one of the towers on september 11th 2001. That horrific day will be one I will never ever forget!
Thank you all for checking out my web site via Myspace, and for taking the time out to post your great comments!
Copyright © dan white 2005-08