Cars, girls, clothes, shoes, many things materialistic generate to impress you. I also am interested in being impressed. Late night adventures I miss, they have last for days. Next time will have more taste.
People who I havent meet ìs what i havent associated with. People who wants skanks keep them, to bad you made them, I meet them without knowing them, sence, them left them. I didnt want to judge you when I first meet you. I want the real truth of you.
Rock I grew up with. Hip Hop,and Rap I was aiways around. 80s I now love. Spanish Rock in the 90s is best, now a days it needs improvement. Trance , Jazz, ska, poetry, I was wrong about Reggeton, it has its own style that latinos made possible. Music is art to fit my living in the 818.
Fight Club, Cruel Intentions, The Godfather. James Bond Casino Royal has become a repeated dvd in my home to view.
At the present time my Tv is showing the picture in an angle. I twist my he
Im My Own Personal Hero. I The Stole The Style From Many Others. Who You Cannot Describe.