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About Me

I work in film post-production, make movies, cook soups, and write. Sometimes beers get drank.Watch my movie! Thinking About Girls

My Interests

Soups, dancing with friends on couches, your near death experiences, dinner parties, lazy Sundays, black and white, crayons, novelty type checks, google, wikipedia, any internet joke, film makings, the Phillies, coffees, beers, cigars.

I'd like to meet:

Space people. Phillies players. Any Champion.


Joe Piconi Is Very Valiant, Sw!ms, Brown Recluse Sings, Nazy.


Anything by: Alexander Payne, Pedro Almodavar, FF Coppola, Sophia Coppola, Fellini, Kurosawa, Coen Brothers, Hitchcock, Kubrick, David Lynch, Michel Gondry, J. Alexander Lee, Aaron Leichter, Jonathan Poritsky.


The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Kids in the Hall, The Office, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Star Trek, Seinfeld, Ren and Stimpy


Chabon, Steinbeck, Hemmingway, Vonnegut Jr., Eugenides.

My Blog

2 New Online projects!!!

Hey! I am announcing to the world (you 10 people who read this) that I am working on 2 new online (internet) projects. Project 1 is a collaboration with Austin (Lee). If you don't know him, he's my nu...
Posted by Bob on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:38:00 PST

In today's news ...

Wally Cleaver grew a mustache! It was a good one, too, but everyone laughed at him. So sad.Also, it's the day people smoke weed. Brooklyn smells like it. It's my first NYC weekend of April. Whoot woot...
Posted by Bob on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 01:26:00 PST

I am need of blog topics.

What's been on my mind? A lot of things, but I'm still delving. I'm not quite ready to blog about them. One includes the sort-of-coming presidential election, but that's overplayed. One is about the p...
Posted by Bob on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:39:00 PST

Dear Dr. Keith,

Dear Dr. Keith,I'd like to thank you for making sure I'm never late for work. The second 9 o'clock strikes, I see your face and shutter. I hate your show. Fortunately, you're the only channel that com...
Posted by Bob on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 06:30:00 PST

A blog about haircuts

I find getting a haircut very enjoyable. I don't even care how it turns out. I wish my hair grew 3 inches a day so I could get it cut all the time! I even like when the hair cutter slips and takes a l...
Posted by Bob on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 02:17:00 PST