Soups, dancing with friends on couches, your near death experiences, dinner parties, lazy Sundays, black and white, crayons, novelty type checks, google, wikipedia, any internet joke, film makings, the Phillies, coffees, beers, cigars.
Space people. Phillies players. Any Champion.
Joe Piconi Is Very Valiant, Sw!ms, Brown Recluse Sings, Nazy.
Anything by: Alexander Payne, Pedro Almodavar, FF Coppola, Sophia Coppola, Fellini, Kurosawa, Coen Brothers, Hitchcock, Kubrick, David Lynch, Michel Gondry, J. Alexander Lee, Aaron Leichter, Jonathan Poritsky.
The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Kids in the Hall, The Office, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Star Trek, Seinfeld, Ren and Stimpy
Chabon, Steinbeck, Hemmingway, Vonnegut Jr., Eugenides.