Mike profile picture


Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.

About Me

I just can't get over the fact that you of all people is looking at my page. How is this possible. I never thought you would show up. I designed this space for you. You're finally here so just sit back and relax for a minute or two. I'll put on some music for you. Wait there. I'll be right back. Don't move or click anything.

My Interests

I am into computers, art, surfing, California, partying (nothing to crazy), and my Golden Lab Mitzi.

I'd like to meet:



Dream Theater, Royksopp, Mono, NIN, Tool, all sorts of other stuff.


Daniel Ilabaca - Trip to Lisses - February 2006 - Parkour

Daniel Ilabaca - Trip to Lisses - February 2006 - Parkour Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Alien Series, almost any cartoon movie.


Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, any kind of cartoon, Dogfights on the History Channel.


Marley and Me*


John Petrucci

OK... I am back. Hope I didn't keep you too long. HEY! Why didn't you listen to me. Why would you move the page, huh?! Real nice. Thanks. Real smart, let me tell you. I am real proud, real proud. Haha (0:..,

My Blog

The new year...

The new year has shown its face again.  It's going to be a long year and you are pretty stupid for reading this blog.  I never write blogs and don't waste my time reading others' blogs. HAHA...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:01:00 PST