I generally don't follow direction so I'm going to put what I want here and not what Tom wants. =P
Here's me and My Little Poni . . . Hi mom!!
My two kids . . . Bruno and Nadia. Aren't they precious?? Labor was a bitch (and so is Nadia).
AAAAHHHH!!!! Thank you my little four legged friend Foxy Lady and to your Mommy the gorgeous Jenny!!
You two are the greatest for making this for me!!! MUUUUAAAAH!!!
Only requirement: Excellent sense of humor. Other than that, try me. I will let you know if/when I don't like you!! If you find yourself on my list one day and not the next, consider that my memo to you that you suck and I wish Jeffrey Dauhmer was alive to eat you.
Oh yes, who I would like to meet . . . I would like to meet Mike Shinoda
And Johnny Knoxville
BTW, if I actually add you as a friend and you post a comment to "thank me for the add" or you ask me at some point to "whore you," I will delete you immediately without giving it a second thought!! I find that phrase and request far too annoying and it only makes you look desperate, needy, and as sharp as a marble. Desperation and stupidity are highly unattractive features in any person, regardless of the aesthetic. . . . you were warned . . .
Hey, have any of you realized that over the past few minutes it has taken you to read my profile, I have not only controlled you, I've also controlled your mind and thoughts?? LOL You were my bitch!! Today's lesson was brought you by the letter "I" and the number "2." Have a nice day Soogar Boogar!
So you can stalk me and follow me to the theatre?? How 'bout . . . NO!!
Menu at Carrow's. Long Live the Jumpy Monkey Sundae!!