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Its no use.

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Home - Pics - Videos - Comment - Friends - Message - Add Name: Ricky
Gender: Male
Status: In love, seriously taken.
Age: 27
AIM/AOL: Hindra
Occupation: Supervisor
Smoke/Drink: No/Yes
Children: Proud Parent of 2
Ethnicity: Irish, English, Swedish, Scottish "I have always been about family. Family is always number one, I have a great start and I cant wait to finish. I will always love and never regret being a father at 19. If I fail at everything other then being a good father and husband I could still die happy."

- I'm the night shift supervisor. Those are always the cool ones right?
- I am extremely loyal.
- I would rather watch my family prosper in life then myself.
- I ride my bike to relax and relieve stress.
- I ride my bike for the thrill. (Yes, it can be relaxing.. or exciting.)
- I'm not really into the club scene.
- I'm in a serious relationship.
- My room no longer looks like a storage unit...
- I hit 135mph+ on my bike almost every joy ride.
- I love being a father. Thats all I have ever wanted out of life.
- I am not the greedy, needy, clingy, jealous, envious, controlling, abusive type. I expect the same from you.
- I hate drama and I avoid it at all costs.
- I have taken someones life, by accident.
- I wrecked my bike 3 times in 2007.
- I know Kung Fu.
- I'm always tired and hungry.
- I like wearing jeans/khakis and t-shirts. Not one for fashion I guess.
- I txt more then talk on my cell.
- I know how to swim pretty well.
- I love speed. Not the drug...the feeling of moving really fast.
- I don't drink a lot or that often anymore.
- I love food, all kinds except seafood.
- I have really good friends that are very trustworthy.
- I have to complete my 5 year goal by 6/6/2011.
- I am a very hard worker.
- I want to finish my family.
- I don't dream, or atleast I don't remember them.
- I know what severe depression is.
- I'm not perfect.
- I love music, I don't like talk shows.
- I don't watch tv.
- I'll ride my bike untill the sun comes up.
- I'm in love.
- I haven't played a video/computer game in over 3 years. Ok well, I play Wii bowling sometimes.
- I have scars.
- In 2001 my Apt Burned down.

Current: Fife, WA
I was born in Pocatello, ID but we moved when I was 2. Our family moved around a lot and I ended up spending most of my life in the Federa Way, WA area. I currently live in Fife.

Current: Some college,I was enrolled in Ashmead.
I attended Lake Dollof for grades 1st through 6th. Moved around some for Middle school, went to Pacific in Des Moines, WA for 7th and Cedar Heights in Covington, WA for 8th and 9th grades. I broke my leg in 8th grade! Moved back to Auburn/Federal Way and went to Thomas Jefferson H.S. for 10th through 12th. I graduated in 1999. I took some classes at Highline C.C. but its hard to work 40+ hours a week, go to school full time, and raise Hayley full time. I am enrolled in Ashmead college for massage. After I am finished with that I still plan on getting my four year degree.

1986 Porsche 944 Turbo - White
1998 Honda Accord Coupe EX V6 - Black
2001 Honda CBR F4i Sportsbike - Black

Current: Supervisor.
KDL Enterprises since 3/7/06. I love working here. I am a Tig welder and in August of 2007 I was promoted to the night shift supervisor.

-- Going fast -- FOOD (Italian or Mexican) -- Movies (Just about any) -- Sports -- Camping -- Hanging out -- Automobiles -- Working out -- Swimming -- Music (Everything) -- My Cellphone -- Computers -- Piercings -- Helping people -- Did I mention food? -- Walks in the rain -- Thunderstorms -- Romantic nights -- Peoples Facial expressions -- Nickelback! -- Welding -- Animals -- Knifes -- Traveling -- Health -- California! -- My Motorcycle -- Modifying things -- People in love -- I said food right? -- Doing homework with Hayley -- Martial Arts --

It really takes a lot to irritate me and get under my skin. I hardly ever get mad. I have a sense of humor :) The biggest thing I dont like is disrespect. That includes Lying, cheating.. anything that is disrespectful. I don't like the fact that I have the worst timing ever, and it takes me eating like a cow to gain any weight.

I would have to say my daughter. I try to teach her as much as I can about life but sometimes I think its the other way around. Being a father is something I will never regret. It would kill me if I was ever without her. She is my motivation behind every positive thing in my life. -=Updates/Blogs=-

1-4-08 - Well I have to say that 2008 is going to probably be one of the best years I have had and its only Janurary 4th! My raise is in march, enrolled in school and I have the love of my life. Which was two years in the making.. :)

1-2-08 - Ok well.. I myself have found someone, someone that I have cared for for a very long time. I am very happy with the end result. Happy new year everyone!

12-17-07 - Oh, I forgot.. I enrolled in Ashmead college for massage. I still plan on working at KDL and just using massage to help my income. KDL has helped me out so much I dont want to leave them. Massage is only going to cost me around $3500! I'm hoping by 2010 between KDL and massage I should be able to buy a house. My 5 year plan is up in 2011. Income, house, married, debt. I'm getting closer.

12-16-07 - Ok well, so far 2007 has been a great year for me. A lot has happened, but mostly it has been moving forward. Some things confusing..some things good, some bad..but I would have to say my life in 2008 will be much better then it was in 2006. I'm going to keep working towards improving things in 2008!

9-5-07 - I got the 944 running!!!! But then I had to take the injectors out to get checked out/cleaned :)

8-11-07 - Ok well. I'm NOT single again. I am really happy about it. I have the bestest girlfriend in the world. :)

6-2-07 - Ok well. I'm single again. I really have mixed feelings about it too.

4-30-07 - Got the ignition mod and installed it today! It was very simple..just tough getting to all the connectors! :) The bike is so much smoother now. I can feel the power difference. It was raining today so I didnt really have a chance to really test it. Since I dont have a dyno all my testing is done by tuning, riding, tuning. Next step is to get the full exhaust and pay it off!! Then... I want to rebuild the motor/head. I top out at 140mph or so... so after I rebuild the motor I think ill re-gear it for 150-160mph. Maybe 145mph I really shouldnt go that fast...during summer months I'll top it out almost daily. Its late...night everyone. Work comes early!

4-24-07 - Ok well as of today. I'm no longer single. :)

4-3-07 - I'M DONE SELLING. APRIL IS MY LAST MONTH. Now that that is out of the way... Installed the speedo healer and took off all the fairings. Just about ready to primer! Gonna paint everything flat black..or glossy?? Anyway..cant wait for my hand to heal. Since so many bikes are out...and I LOVE my bike a few ppl have told me everytime they see a bike they think of me...how cute :) Once my hand heals the bike will be my main transportation...and Russ gets me the tab thing :)

4-2-07 - Ok.... Females are so confusing. Anyway, life is going really well right now. I guess I'm not taking a road trip to ID but I will still take one to eastern WA, and CA. I think I am going to be kinda anti-social for a little while. I need to work more and not get in trouble. Also, moving to L.A.? I dont think anyone is really moving down there with me. The closer it gets to me moving and leaving everyone behind.. The harder it gets. I have my reasons for moving, and I'm not running away from anything, I'm taking care of everything before I go, I just have a lot of reasons to stay. To much is going on right now. I want a girlfriend...no, I want to get married and settle down. Been single for almost a year now, time to stop fucking around. Its been fun but getting old. Night everyone.

3-24-07 - Yeah... I dont update this that often anymore..Anyway.... Got the Porsche running. Got everything I ordered for the bike. If it would stop raining I could fix my exhaust leak.. and drive it around! Work is going really well. Finger is healing up alright I still cant bend it. Why is everyone in such a rush to get into a relationship?? *EDIT* Im not sleeping with anyone unless we are dating.

3-14-07 - Surgery went well. They put me to sleep and I guess reconstructed my 2nd knuckle of my left index finger. Its still somewhat numb but I can feel it starting to wear off. I chipped my bone and knicked some tendons. Its all fixed just has to heal up!

2-25-07 - Ok so its been a while..... for thirty days starting this weekend I am gonna be a good boy :)

1-6-07 - Gone to the gym twice now...arms are dead! If I work my shoulders, chest and forearms my biceps are still dead. I am going to continue to only work the big muscles until the smaller ones can assist bigger ones w/o getting so tired themselves! Bought a lot of stuff for weight lifting though...protien, weight gainer, creatine ect. Starting slowly on everything and not even taking creatine until my workouts get a little more serious. I am at the gym for about an hour everytime I go though. Thats with only 15 minutes of cardio. I might bump it up if I can speed up the weight lifting. Goal is to wake up at 4am, lift from around 430-530am be at work at 6 energized and ready to go! Maybe start only 3-4 days a week but it will end up being 5-7 days a week. I have it all planned out

1-5-07 - Life..... is good. :)

Ok. Everyone knows I started this second job. Its only an extra 25 hours per week on top of my other 40 and Hayley. Well I cant go out as much now. I got really sick the past few days and I have lost almost 10lbs within the two weeks I started this job. I cant afford to lose any weight. My new rules are in bed by 11pm on weekdays(Sunday-Thursday) and Friday/Saturday night..whenever. The other problem is me not eating. I am going to start taking my weight gainer/protien shakes in the morning before work. Eat a healthier lunch, and munch on food all day. Working an extra 25-30hrs a week on my feet burns a lot of calories. Also got a gym membership.

1-25-07 - Ok well I have now been proposed to twice in my life. Both by ex girlfriends(once a few years back and 2nd was a month or so ago). I also get calls from my exs telling me how their new bfs dont treat them as well as I did. Well sorry ladies. I did everything I could for you when we were together. Its not my fault you ladies didn't appretiate me back then. I am single and staying that way until I can find someone that will appretiate me, compromise, and treat me as good as I treat her.

1-23-07 - OG is going great.. Close to getting the rest of the fairings for my bike..got my computer fixed(I was motivated by a certain someone! HAHA) ANYWAY.. Work is going well at both jobs.. Cant wait to start getting paid from both jobs lol Sorry everyone..I am now working 70hrs a week. So I may seem kinda busy...

-1-20-07 - I hosted today from 11-330 today..they were really busy and wait times up to 30 minutes. The job is still easy though :)

1-13-07 - Took my bike apart to start sanding so I can paint it..pics are up! Just about ready for my new job tomorrow..I got the wrong shirts..I have one that will work for tomorrow.. anyway, have a good week everyone! I am gonna be really busy this week(starting 2nd job, working on bike..) although I WILL be getting my cellphone on wednesday! I'll txt everyone my new number! :)

1-10-07 - You guys can leave me comments now.. :)

1-8-07 - Ok well I did get the job and my first day is today! I am supposed to be at work right now but I thought I had court this morning..and its tomorrow instead. I am washing my clothes for my new job then I am headed to work at KDL. Everyone keeps telling me that hosts get yelled at the most..mainly by the servers. Well thats alright ;)

1-6-07 - It was just another intewview today, they are going to call me back sunday by 1230, if not I am supposed to call them. I really hope I get this job..it sounds like I will. All the people who work there seem really nice and friendly. The girl Rachel today showed me around, I didnt get to see her work but she said its not that hard...or maybe she just makes it look easy because she does it so well? :)

1-5-07 - Well I start my new job tomorrow..I am excited! lol I am going to bed early now..I have to work at 7am at KDL(Where I weld) then I start at 230pm hosting. Its only about 5 minutes from my work. Anyway..I am just waiting for Andrew now to come give me the money he owes me so I can get to bed. I have been going to Rootys almost everynight this week.. I dont get drunk..I'll have a few drinks and a salad(I know.. lol) but since I know 3 people that work there now its fun :)

1-4-07 - Been not feeling well lately...missed work on wednesday..left 2.5 hours early today. I am fine..just not feeling well. I havent heard from the place yet but I think I start next week.

1-2-07 - Mom is out of town for the week! I am dropping Hayley off every night at 830pm because its better then dropping her off at 5am! So I am free everynight this week! I may have gotten a 2nd job..we will see. Also..changed my status to single..it was causing to much confusion with people LOL.

1-1-07 - Kinda late update I guess...but I got Nickleback tickets for Christmas! WOO :) Anyway, New years was great. I didnt get to see everyone I had planned to see, sorry guys! I did spend the last of it with Hayley, we polished off two bottles of Apple Cider and watched the countdown on TV then fell asleep on the couch watching Cat in the Hat. It was a blast :). Also..those two messages I got from those two people..we cleared it all up. It was just a big misunderstanding. I think I am going to start using this instead of the BLOG section..this will now be my blog section..I guess? Updates...blogs, same thing. Ok..really to lazy to do my friends lists right now..so if your smart enough you can just see who my friends are by looking through the code! (View Source) :) Ok..I added some names to the list..no links yet. I wont be adding any pictures simply because my profile layout is simple and the pictures will clutter it up.

12-31-06 - You will NOT believe the night I had tonight.. I went to a bar near AJs house(Rootys in Burien)..AJs roommate is the bartender. I am just hanging out..I get a drink..kinda down it fast.. the guy next to me offers to buy my next one...at first I say no..but he insists. I cant refuse :) Next thing I know he is buying all my drinks and we are playing darts, then we are on a team playing darts against another 2 guys..the guy I am with is a pro dart player..we won every game. We play pool.. we won the first game but lost the 2nd...barely though. Everything is going ok..this guy is like 50 and still buying all my drinks. He doesnt want to drive home...but doesnt want a taxi. So I offer to give him a ride home..he says cool then I can stay and drink more...he buys me more drinks. So around 130 we leave the bar and I take him home..not to far from the bar...in west seattle. OMG well, let me say this. He has GOOD TASTE. The ONE house I went to is worth 2.9 million dollars. He showed me around his house..it is AMAZING! Remote tv/stereo/fireplace.. it is like 3800 Square feet I think he said. ITS HUGE. He was showing me pics of his other house...its 4800 Square feet! He builds houses! He also gave me $20 for gas when it only took about $2 to get him home LOL. I am picking him up tomorrow to take him back to his car. The house was NICE. 3 decks... 5-6 bedrooms..NICE living room! Everything in his house was nice. His stove was $18,000! He has FUCKING HYDROLIC DRAWERS IN HIS KITCHEN! Funny thing..the place where I work, KDL..we make gates, railings ect. well he had our railings and glass on all his decks! I probably made his railing! :)

12-30-06 - Ok well I got 2 MySpace messages today, one from a close friend and another from someone I thought I was getting closer to. Well I guess they are upset at me for a misunderstanding. I know not everyone likes me.. I dont go out of my way to hurt or step on people though. You just cant make everyone happy, and sometimes people get the wrong idea. Its their loss because I did not wrong them.

12-29-06 - NEW YEARS Ok well..I will find a sitter to watch Hayley for a little while. my mom is going out of town. I will probably end up going to Ians/Alexs Kegger BUT, then about 11 I am going to pick up Hayley, and spend new years with Hayley! I can have 1-2 people over if they want to come...but for the past week I couldnt figure out what to do for New Years. Well, I really cant think of anyone I would rather spend it with then Hayley! We are gonna sip on some Sparkling Cider! :)
If anyone wants to celebrate New Years with Hayley and myself, let me know! Space is limited! lol AND BTW, no I am not taken. I just switched my myspace profile to "In a Relationship" because 1) I was bored. 2) I'm not on MySpace to meet girls looking for a relationship.

12/28/06 - Was working on editing the friends section, but I am going to wait until I have more time. I am going to swap this section with the friends section. Probably be next week or weekend. This weekend is nothing but birthdays(btw happy birthday everyone!) and New Years parties! :

12/23/06 - Ok so, I changed the playlist into an update section. I uploaded tons of pics since MySpace now allows you to have 32 pics uploaded. I also uploaded 4 new videos. I also changed my status to taken. :)

My Blog


You will NOT believe the night I had tonight.. I went to a bar near AJs house(Rootys in Burien)..AJs roommate is the bartender. I am just haning out..I get a drink..kinda down it fast.. the guy next t...
Posted by Ricky on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

Merry Christmas eve! :)

Uploaded new pics and videos! check them out..hope everyone has a good Christmas and new years this year :)
Posted by Ricky on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:25:00 PST


Well....Next time I do those I will definitly need a female with me....
Posted by Ricky on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:41:00 PST

Blaming yourself for someones death.

I was watching Scrubs tonight..and all the patients died. The lead doctor was telling another one to not blame himself  for the death of one. Once you start blaming yourself for someones death th...
Posted by Ricky on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:01:00 PST


I am a hard worker, when hard work is required. Every job I have had I pretty much started at the lowest paying position and ended up at the highest before I left. I have only been fired from one job ...
Posted by Ricky on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST

Losing Hayley..

You know.. that has to be the worst feeling in the world. I am watching the movie Nanny McPhee with Hayley..there is a scene when the father thinks his littlest daughter is prett much kidnapped, and h...
Posted by Ricky on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:05:00 PST


Its a good thing I know ppl with AWD or 4x4! I have my ride to work! I was actually going to ride my quad..but that would be cold! I ran to safeway at midnight and there were TONS of cars on the side ...
Posted by Ricky on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:14:00 PST


Hayley watches Cat in the Hat to much...ANYWAY! I was watching a movie and one of the lines were "Its either Fate, or Trouble."  LOL its soooo true. I was talking with Rachel..and we decided that...
Posted by Ricky on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 01:33:00 PST

Friday night!

Was lots of fun.....I did.. like 5+ keg stands... and 1 shot. lol I only remember taking one shot..with Russ.  I dance to much....I only say that because any dancing coming from me is to much...I...
Posted by Ricky on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:33:00 PST

I figured it out..

Ok well... at first.. I didnt know what kind of mood I was in.... I am at home..everyone asleep..normally I would go out..go to Andrews.. something! I dont feel like going anywhere... dont f...
Posted by Ricky on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:46:00 PST