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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have one have child,Julian with the love of my life. Basically I love to cook,watch movies,read a good book,take road trips,and listen to good music.

My Interests

Movies, reading,taking trips, cooking, learning, and having fun.

I'd like to meet:

David Lynch,Andy from the office,the naked chef.


764 Hero,Arcade Fire, Bongwater, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Butthole Surfers, The Faint, Figurine, Pavement, Dinosaur Jr.The Cure, The Cramps, Crimpshrine,Colin Newman, The Dandy Warhols, Magnetic Fields, Chapterhouse,Clan of Xymox, Vhs or Beta, M83, Cocteau Twins, The Cranes, Dead Can Dance, Death Cab for Cutie, Duran Duran, Elliot Smith,Fischerspooner, Interpol, Ladytron, The Meeting Places,Moose,Monster Movie, My Bloody Valentine,Radio Dept., Secret Shine,The Shins,Should,Slowdive,Sunny Day Real Estate, Pale Saints, Peter Bjorn and John,The Postal Service,old Brian Eno,etc.......Basically I like everything, if its creative not mass marketed.


Directors:David Lynch,Wes Anderson,Alfred Hitchcock,Lindsay Anderson,Rainer Werner Fassbider,Billy Wilder,Hal Hartley,Noah Baumbach,Todd Solondz,Alex Cox,Paul Thomas Anderson,Michel Gondry,John Waters,Movies:Divorce Italian Style,Mildred Pierce,Grand Hotel,Look Back in Anger,Actors:John Cusak,Katherine Hepburn,James Stewart,Jack Lemmon,and Carey Grant movies.


Ab Fab,Arrested Development,30 Rock, The Office(American),My Name is Earl,Pushing Daisies,PBS,Antique Roadshow,The Young Ones.


Rubyfruit Jungle, Animal Farm, Fast Food Nation, The Culture Of Fear, Catcher In the Rye,Tim Sandlin,Chuck Palahniuk.


my best friend Miss Keely Malone and my brother.

My Blog


You rule. in 15 years, you won't be as known as youare now, but most of the people that will knowyou then will like you (or else I'll beat themwith a stick). You're nice to listen to. What band fr...
Posted by Carrie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Elvira Hancock What Scarface character are you? brought to you by Quizilla...
Posted by Carrie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Yikes....I'm a murder

You are Freeze. Michael's partner in crime. Youhelped him kill his drug dealer and helped himget away with it (for a while). You were kindathe "normal" one in the group. Younever really went along wit...
Posted by Carrie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST way I wish

You're Special Agent Dale Cooper. You're often toobrilliant for people to really follow, but yourinfectious enthusiasm makes up for the factthat you're frequently incomprehensible. Youare smart, int...
Posted by Carrie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

R.I.P. Jim Brady

Well it's that sad time of the year again....Jim Brady died around Thanksgiving two years ago. Some of us are not sure the exact date but I know it was around Thanksgiving. So anyway let's all drink a...
Posted by Carrie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST