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"PANTAGRUEL" a novel disguised as a textbook

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a blind man in a darkened room looking for a black cat.........................................PNTGRL. = 372 [??????] The word "PNTGRL." is not in the Hebrew dictionary.Other words in the Hebrew system with the value of 372 Transliteration Definition Word ASPIRKA. Aqua spherica ??????? OQRB. Scorpio ???? OShB. Herbage, grass ??? ShBO. Seven ??? HTML coded output for PNTGRL. (??????) = &x05E4;&x05E0;&x05D8;&x05D2;&x05E8;&x05DC;

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Member Since: 3/28/2007
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Influences: Francois RABELAIS,Kenneth ANGER, Apocolypse Now, David LEWISTON field recordings, Harry SMITH,P.K. DICK, A:.A:.(silver star),Maya DEREN,Mark Lombardi,Sir George Frazer,Olivier MESSIAIEN ,Marjorie Cameron,Jonathan HALPER, J. PARSONS, "A Face in the crowd"-KAZAN, "Putney Swope"-ROBERT DOWNEY SR.,Frank Valentine KURTIS,Ed WOOD,the RVBS,Hakim BEY,Robert ALTMAN,the metaharmony of CAGE&DUCHAMP, GEDE, Jack SMITH, JohnDEE, R.A.WILSON,the yinyang of ARTHUR LEE & SYD BARRETT,70's new york jazz loft scene(ORNETTE), MINOR THREAT,JohnZORN and the late 20th century N.Y. downtown music scene, DNA, BAD BRAINS,STRAVINSKY,IANNIS XENAKIS(arrow-music),WFMU,JAPAN(the country not the band), 3 of the 4 original minimalists,Luigi RUSSOLO & Italo avanti (19)08',J. V. ANDRAE,and ritual musics of all ages
Sounds Like: A size-shifting pre-enlightenment party animal. freedom and the god-beastetymologically lucifer is the "light bearer". Prometheus brought fire to the human race angering the gods. The statue of liberty holds the torch in nyc and france as a symbol of freedom. the serpent offers the apple which frees us from our animal state and gives us knowledge of good and evil. the old testament calls this the original sin.we are bodies/we inhabit bodies. what we call the body is the grossest manifestation of the spirit. it is an anchor to this world. this world is not evil/the world is not good. most people don't even have will enough to do good or evil. we are but leaves tossed by invisible winds.wilhelm reich discovered life energy. hindus call it prana, taoist call it chi, reich called it orgone and located it in the genital orgasm. in vedic philosophy the life energy is seated, primally, in the muladhara chakra (which is very close to the genitals) and can be made to flow up the spine into the heart where it is expressed as love, the third eye where it is intellect etc. this energy is procreative. the world turns because of this energy. freud claimed that civilization was the result of the repression and redirection of this energy. the great rishis of india claim that this energy properly harnessed will allow a man to see God/be God. st. theresa of avila was given ecstatic visions of God, in which "He" pierced her side.we are God? God is one. there is none other. One without attribute. if there is anything, it is God, according to this logical progression. but there are many things. it is said that the one plays at being many; it is a divine game of self-exploration. the drops of water that spray off the wave are individual in the moment that they fly through the air and are the ocean again when they fall back. is individuality an illusion?in the old testament Yahwew floods His creation, killing all his children. Cronus devours his children. Krsna makes love to dozens of milk maids simultaneously in the fields of vraja, while their husbands are asleep. The olympians are reknowned for their liberties/immorality. God there is no good or evil. good and evil are subjective judgments of the limited human mind. thy will be done/ do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.some schools of existentialism declare that there is no God. this makes sense as existence is a characteristic of those things which some day pass into void or non-existence. for the personality vacuum awaits. desire, for most people is a bumble bee buzzing from flower to flower. most of our so called existences have no duration even as we live. only through the exercise of will does one come to exist and then to pass beyond existence into immortality. God essents (is the essence), is the ground of all existence and can be said to exist only in transcending existence. that which does not transcend existence is not God. existence precedes essence/essence precedes existence. God is dead/God can not be born.of course, these are just one fools way of using these symbols. parmenides claimed that that which exists must always exist and can never not exist; and that which does not exist can never come into existence. this is a very static view of existence by which we must conclude that we as embodied individuals do not exist. the body changes so much over even a small amount of time as to make its illusory quality obvious.disclaimer: i represent nothing; i am not espousing any system or school of thought; tomorrow it will all be different, it is already different. i have no opinion and no idea. interpret this however you please. change all the words if you'd like. attr. to FRANK VALENTINE KURTIS
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None