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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm weird. I'm interested in the occult and the supernatural. I'm into vampirism. I'm a geek. I know every superhero to ever become an Avenger. I am also deeply in love with my girlfriend. I'm weird.

My Interests

I'm into stuff like the mafia, cartoons, comic books, movies, vampirism, the occult, astronomy. I told you I'm weird.

I'd like to meet:

Any vampires out there? Lestat? Louie? Armand?


Alternative tops my list. "alternative what?" they ask in unison. Anything. I'm off the beaten path myself. I like old school rock and i do mean OLD SCHOOL. Punk is also good and for some reason i can't even begin to comprehend, i often find myself humming country music.


Edward Scissorhands, the short film Vincent (thanks sir Ty), Spider-man 2, A KNight's Tale, Batman Begins, most Robin Williams flicks, Meet Joe Black and Shakespeare in Love.


I'll watch ANYTHING comic related (told you I'm a geek..) even that crappy Savaga Dragon cartoon. Nick's Invader Zim, The Simpsons, Futurama, Friends, WWE Smackdown (I don't want to piss anyone off, I know RAW is the WWE flagship but the roster is tiring!) and the old (and very violent) WB cartoons.


I used to really like TLotR trilogy and the Harry Potter series but the movies seriously ruined it for me. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles are great. Gaiman's American Gods, Coraline, Smoke and Mirrors and The Book of Dreams, King's Dreamcatcher, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Phantom Tollbooth and Gulliver's Travels also make my list.


Remy LeBeau, a.k.a. Gambit of the X-men. What, is there some rule that my hero can't be a SUPERhero?

My Blog

voices in my head

i've had this account for almost a year now and wonder of wonders, i never bothered to post. "why the sudden change of heart, jem?" ONE of the little voices in my head asks. i'm bored. you have ju...
Posted by Jem on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST