FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" profile picture

FlyLetPunk "Cervellina"

I am here for Networking

About Me

Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user

My Interests



The Lives of others (2006), Thank you for smoking (2005), Eminescu versus Eminem (2005), Syriana (2005), Aaltra (2004), Howl's Moving Castel (2004), Les Choristes (2004), It's All Gone Pete Tong (2004), Tais-toi (2003), Infernal Affairs/Mou Gaan Dou (2002)!, Hero (2002), Filantropica (2002), Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998), Great expectations (1998), The Fifth Element (1997), The Game (1997), L?on (1994), Trois couleurs (1994), The Apartment (1960), 12 Angry Men (1957)....... all Tim Burton, Coen Brs, Alfonso Cuar?n, Jim Jarmush& the new entry Zach Helm


Antoine de Saint-Exupery (all), Milosz (Miguel Manara), Mounier (Lettere sul dolore), GK Chesterton (The Adventures of Father Brown), Micahel Ende (Momo), Mark Twain (all Huck Finn&Tom Sawyer's stuff, all...)Others: Dostoevsky, Luigi Giussani, Nicu Steinhardt, Kundera, David Lodge, Isabel Allende, Jaroslav Hasek, Jules Verne, Stefan Banulescu, Jerome K Jerome, Benjamin Disraeli, Hannah Arendt.....


Maximilian Kolbe, Vladimir Ghika, Giovanni Bosco, Luigi Giussani, Celibidache, Adriana Georgescu, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Aurel Vlaicu, Iuliu Hossu, Ioan Suciu&Co, Nicu Steinhardt, Parintele Pop Romi:)Chagall, Brancusi, Corneliu Baba, Camilian Demetrescu (artists)Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Mahler (music)My Gran Grandfather Gherman, both my Grandfathers and my Parents:)

My Blog

Leredità dei Medici: La NANA MUTA

?? Siccome non ho parole per descrivere le mie impressioni su Firenze e nemmeno per descrivere la bellezza della città (che è proprio la città delle bellezze), mi resumo a raccontare qualche mia picco...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 06:09:00 PST

Prodi resigns... (All these latin countries....)

Both Italy and Romania have governmental troubles (let's say crisis) on the same point: Justice. In Italy the Justice Minister Clemente Mastella was dismissed for corruption charges (I doubt he's mor...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:01:00 PST

PLS support Writers Guild of America strike

Click here to sign the petition in support of the WGA strike.I also invite you to see "Why we fight"of the  WGA members, for better understanding of their reasons....
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:20:00 PST

new year, new day, new way...

I feel the new year in the air, I really feel it, it's easier and like a fine fluid....... not only a human conventionThis new year it's like the morning of my city, fresh and promising, white and ten...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:22:00 PST

The Real BOSS

 ... bineinteles ca doar despre Bruce Springsteen poate fi vorba... Cel mai recent single Radio Nowhere  ma face sa ma simt fresh ca dimineatza la orice ora din zi/noapte... E ciudat cu...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:12:00 PST

in sfarsit o venit barza...

 pana la urma si.o aratat fatza si cea de.a doua nepoata a mea de la sora.mea, pe numele ei de prunca ILIA MARIA& Tare mult s.o fastacit pana sa iasa, o vrut sa faca impresie, cu ai ei 60 de cm s...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:16:00 PST

ROMA si vesti de acasa...

 A.    Daca viatza ar fi facuta doar pentru a catzegia (cazzeggiare=a freca menta spus mai fara perdea), atunci as vrea sa o traiesc la Roma:) D c a surclasat Roma pana si Parisu d...
Posted by FlyLetPunk "Cervellina" on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST