I'd have to say that my biggest interest would be learning new things. I know it sounds cheesey, but honestly I love education! I like learning new facts whether they be corny or mind boggling. Corny would be something like "did you know that an ostrich's leg is so strong that one kick could break your leg..." and a mind boggling one would be something like, " Bill Gates is so rich that he could give every person in the world a $1.25." ^_^ yeah dammit where's my dollar! or "1.618" ---> if you've read DaVinci code then you'll get this one! I think my main interest right now would be to learn more languages and to read all the manga I can get my hands on.
John WIlliams would be my top must meet! His music is so fasinating and marvelous. You hear it once and never forget! Hughe Heffner definately. He just seems like a fun guy to hang out with and I don't mean that because he's always surrounded by half naked chicks... He seems to be a really funny guy not to mention that he has the coolest cackle laugh ever! Jim Henson, I'd love to visit his creature shop someday and see where all his magic happens. I love his work on Labryinth! THe guys from TOP GEAR! ^_^ I'd love race the stig and have a couple beers while we talk about cars! Gackt, I want him to sing and play the piano for me *o* John Cusack because he seems like an honest person who also just loves being himself.
Lots of J-Rock. My faves so far are Gackt, Malice Mizer, Pierrot, Dir en Grey... too lazy to list them all so I'll stop there for now. I love Classical music and for those that think its boring, then foo on you cuz CLassical is the fundamental component of all music today! My favorite instruments would have to be the Violin, Cello, and Piano any piece consisting of these instruments adds more flavor. I love pieces by Paganini who was a Violinist Virtuoso (meaning that he was focking BAD ASS) he was so cool with his violin skillz that people thought he was possessed by the devil. Thought I'd share that! Rachmaninoff also kicks ass with his awesome Piano skillz. Chopin, Debussy, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi and his Four Seasons!! Man I can go on forever but I won't cuz there's way too many to list. Another fave genre of music would have to be anime themes and instrumentals. Yoko Kanno rocks no matter what anime she does the music for. As for bands that are mainstream right now, I'm really into MUSE right now, that guys' voice just rocks and I'm diggin his style. Bjork is another fave, her videos are pretty whack and interesting. I love lots of rhythm and beat so I'm into trance, jungle, and techno funk. Not too big on the whole rap scene, truth be told that type of music just makes me irritated and angry. Basically anything that has great beat to it, that inspires the mind and triggers creativity is on my play list.
Man there's just way too many to list in this section, but I'll try to make this short. I'm a fantasy freak so Labyrinth is at top of my list including anything by Tim Burton. Guillermo del Toro is also a fave, his movies have that hint of fantasy with a whole lot of twists. The Harry Potter movies are also on my top list of faves, but on those I have to say that the books are so much beta. >.< GO READ THEM! I'm also a BIG Cusack fan ^_^ He stays the same no matter what and all his movies are cool! I'm a total Miyazaki nut too. Man, he needs to clone himself so that he can live forever and make more animated movies for me to love! ToToro, Naussica, Mononoke Hime, Laputa, Porco Rosso, I mean man I love all of his stuff and his new one Howl's moving castle is a total masterpiece! He's a genius when it comes to animation, but the reason I love his movies so much is because they really bring out the magic. He has top notch imagination skillz. Guy RItchie's movies also rock! ^_^ I can quote from his movies all day long!
I don't watch t.v. as much as I would like to, but when I do watch it I'm always tuned into Animal planet, the History channel, Discovery, Travel and my fave show would have to be Top Chef, Heroes,Battlestar Galactica, TOP GEAR,Family guy, THe Hills (ok I know what you're thinking but it's the girl in me that makes me watch it). The animal cop show rocks too, if i were ever to go into law enforcement it would have to be to protect and serve animals. Screw People! Another cool show that people should definately watch is CSI Las Vegas. Its got all the kinks to keep you hooked. Nothing like watching a show that teaches how to get away with murder.
I'm a bookwoim @ Heart. I love the Harry Potter series. I skip around from book to book (its my crazy style of reading). The DaVinci Code, Abarat, Lots of Anne Rice, just finished the Spiderwick Chronicles, I'm a total children's book fanatic and have been thinking of writing my own children fiction. A total fantasy freak (I just can't get enough)! Manga anyone...? I collect a bunch of that shite, a big portion of my paycheck would go into that category of reading. ^_^ I'm a sucka for a good shoujo story! So I'm a reader whether its a good fantasy, mooshie, lovely or just historic. Books are my friends....